Monday, March 14, 2005

Mean Christians

Okay, so this is my last post of the day, I swear. I just have to get this off my chest.
We have a couple people in my department who are constantly boasting about what great Christians they are, and how Jesus is their savior and how God works through them to make them great people. Okay, that's cool. But here's what gets me. They are mean. They are quite possibly some of the meanest people I know. They are always intentionally excluding specific people from things that happen (like they'll invite everyone but 1 or 2 people), they are judgemental, and they are two-faced. If you don't like me, fine. But don't sit around and chat with me and then intentionally exclude me and anyone else from something that is intended to be for everyone.
If it was because they had a problem with my beliefs, that would even be one thing, but they always hang out with other people who think and act the same way I do. I don't know, I think if God really was working through them they would be much more kind to people than they are. Let me tell you, they really lead by example. (sarcastic tone in my voice).
Now, I try not to be upset when I'm not included because I think they're mean and I don't like to surround myself with people like that, but when you IM me and ask me for someones phone number to invite them and don't have the decency to ask me, especially when it's something the whole department is supposed to be involved in, well then screw you, you're just proving me right about you. I'm tired of people who think that they are such great Christians just because they don't drink or have sex. Jesus' teachings were about kindness, doesn't that count for anything anymore? Thanks and gig 'em.

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