Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Stressed out

FYI, I highly reccommend, not trying to move and get married all at the same time. Or at least move to a different city than where the wedding is. :-/

Friday, August 05, 2005

Going Home

Well, Danny has left New York and is on his way home. I'm very excited. I'm still in Austin. I've done lots of painting and trying to get the hosue ready to move in. Tuesday is when all of my furniature is getting moved here. *sigh* That's all I know for now.
Think of Danny on his drive home that he makes it safely.

15 more days!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Independent Thinker?

So the other day I was talking with people about Kinky for govornor. I mentioned that I wasn't going to vote for him because I've done research and I think he's a nutjob. He implied that because I wouldn't vote for him I wasn't an independent thinker and I was incapable of voting for anyone that wasn't a democrat. (Let me note that this guy knew nothing about Kinky or any of his ideas) Now this just made me laugh. Because let me say that I take each candidate for what they are. I don't give a shit about the letter next to their name. What I care about is that they are HONEST, sincere, generally care about their constituents, and have the same ideals as me. (Treat people as I would want to be treated). That's all. They can be republican, democrat, independent, it doesn't matter to me. (in fact, I'd pretty much prefer that they weren't associated with a party, I don't want them to be forced to pander to anybody besides their constituents) This is in contrast to many people I know who only vote for people with that R next to their name and won't even investigate the democratic candidate. They just take the word of the republicans about the democrats, or make assumptions about democrats. Most of them don't even understand what it means to be a liberal or progressive. (Yes, I know this happens on the other side, I just don't know anybody like that, and the majority of people I know are the other way).


Well, it turns out Bush went behind Congress's back and appointed Bolton. Can't say I'm really surprised. He is such an arrogant ass hole that is exactly his style. If he had just turned over the documents that Congress had been asking for, and if they didnt' say what we all suspect they say (that Bolton sucks and is a horrible person for this job) then he would get approved by the Senate without a problem. But no, this is the administration's way. Hide information from the public, and then make it look like they're the ones that are being victimized. I'm so tired of it. They did the same thing with the Valerie Plame/Wilson. They were saying that they released Plame's name because they were trying to discredit Wilson and his findings. Well, if Wilson's findings were so absurd, why didn't they just discredit them? Because they weren't absurd, and they went against the administration's longtime goal of invading Iraq. Bullshit.

Monday, August 01, 2005


Well, my cousin Chip has been missing since saturday night. He lives in a group home in Illinois and he had gone out to a bar next to the home. Some people had seen him on their way home and asked him if he needed a ride, but he said he'd walk home in a little while.
So yeah, no sign of him since. He was supposed to go to his Dad's for dinner last night, which he loves to do, but he never showed up. So we don't know what happened, but everyone is very worried. So please be thinking of him and especially his Dad, Ginger and his brother and sister.

UPDATE: They found him. Turns out he had decided to go off and have himself some fun and not tell anybody. Lets just say that he's in trouble is an understatement.