Monday, August 01, 2005


Well, my cousin Chip has been missing since saturday night. He lives in a group home in Illinois and he had gone out to a bar next to the home. Some people had seen him on their way home and asked him if he needed a ride, but he said he'd walk home in a little while.
So yeah, no sign of him since. He was supposed to go to his Dad's for dinner last night, which he loves to do, but he never showed up. So we don't know what happened, but everyone is very worried. So please be thinking of him and especially his Dad, Ginger and his brother and sister.

UPDATE: They found him. Turns out he had decided to go off and have himself some fun and not tell anybody. Lets just say that he's in trouble is an understatement.


Anonymous said...

This is awful. Chip is the one who lived with you guys, right?
I hope everything turns out fine. I'll keep you and your family in my prayers.
Please keep us posted.

Anonymous said...

ugh, how inconsiderate.