Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Evolution Schmevolution

Okay, so I've been in the Geology department for a couple weeks now. I have to say, I think I like it. I am surprised at the difference between this and atmospheric sciences.

In atmospheric sciences people could cling to whatever beliefs of the world they have, pretty much. Anything having to do with the past doesn't have an impact on the weather tomorrow unless you're studying climate or something.

But here, people actually laugh at people who think the world is younger than 4.5 billion years as well as people who think evolution is a load of crap. The world we live in today is so crazy. People who don't agree with science try to make it look like the scientists are debating it. But let me tell you, there is no debate. (Yes, there are debates on the specifics, but as far as evolution as a whole goes, it is widely accepted in the scientific community)

I love the class I'm teaching because one of the main points the professor is trying to get across is the difference between science, nonscience, and nonsense. So basically he's trying to show them what goes into coming up with a scientific theory, and how other ideas such as intellegent design aren't actually science.

And as one last disclaimer, I'm not attacking religion here. I, for one, don't believe that evolution and creationism are necessarily mutually exclusive. Something could have still been created in the beginning, and then evolved. Although I will say that evolution does make it so that genisis can't be taken literally, at all. But yeah, I'm gonna go with science over blind faith any day.

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