Monday, September 11, 2006

I really don't update this thing enough. Since I started teaching I really haven't had time.
I skated in my first competition, the Houston Invitational. I didn't do very well on my compulsories. I had been having problems with my scratch spin the week prior, and it just didn't happen. So I got 3/3 on that. I feel like I skated really well on my freeskate. I got 5/6, so I was really disapointed with that. I felt like I should have gotten at least 4th. Oh well, my first competition is out of the way, and I am working hard for the next one. I'm going to be going to the bunnyhop open in Dallas at the end of october. My sister and I are putting together an artistic program for me to do. I'm pretty excited about that.
I started skating in my new skates this week. I love them, they are making a big difference in my skating. I started actually doing a loop yesterday! I am still 3-turnig out of most of them, but this is an improvement over what I had been doing. My flip, I am getting full rotation, but I am still two-footing it. I am also working on a flip-split for my artistic.
These new skates have made a good difference in my spinning. I started working on my sit spin yesterday, and on my next freestyle, we're going to start working on a camel spin.
So I'm feeling good. Hopefully I can start getting full rotation on this loop, and that then I can get the flip. Other than that, I'm looking forward to my next competition, ad I love love love my new skates. :)

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