Sunday, February 18, 2007

Pre-Pre MITF

Well, I passed my pre-preliminary moves in the field test today. I am very happy, especially because I've been having skate issues for the past week or so. Turns out that the blades I have (I bought them used), the rocker was completely sharpened off by whoever had them previously, so, this was good news and bad news for me. The good news is that this probably has alot to do with my inability to spin, but the bad news is that now I have to get new blades. I've decided to stick with the Proffessional for now. I really like the blade overall, and I think they will be fine for me learning my doubles. I may have to upgrade next time. We'll see.
So now I'm going to start working on my Preliminary MITF so that I can hopefully test those in April. I would like to take my silver test by the end of year so I can go to adult nationals competing silver.
In other news I went to my first power skating class on saturday. Basically, it was awesome. It was a little rough, because it's go-go-go and I didn't know what I was supposed to be doing most of the time, but hopefully the next couple of times I'll get better. I think it's really going to help my skating, especially with those crossovers I have to do for preliminary.

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