Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I think I'll set a goal of posting once a month and then see if I can improve on that sometime.
Let's see what's happened since the last time I posted. I took and passed my preliminary MITF. I am currently working on my pre-juvenile moves. They are coming along although I am having some blade issues. I pronate because I have flat feet, and I didn't get that taken care of when I bought the boots I currently have. Soooo...this requires alot of blade fixing to try to minimize the problem. I had no idea it was so intricate. Next time I'm getting custom boots to take care of these problems. Too bad that will probably be a year or so from now.
I'm finally going to test my pre-bronze freeskate. My problem hasn't been that I'm not ready, but instead that I had to pass preliminary moves before I could take it. I think I'm going to have to set some goals to get some high scores on it.
We're going to put together a bronze program for Skate Houston and testing. It'll be my first program in about a year, so I'm excited.
Coach S is working on cleaning up my single jumps. Not sure when/if we'll get to doubles/axel. She's got some leg issues, so getting me in a harness is not an option. I'm not sure where we'll go with that, I'm sure it's something we'll discuss this summer.

Okay, now some summer skating goals:
- skate at least 5 hours a week even when I'm out of town.
- get my camel/sit spin consistent and nice
- get my backspin so it doesn't suck
- get my pre-juvenile moves ready to test.
- get all of my singles, nice, pretty, and big

I think that's it. In non-skating news I think I'm getting a new car! I'm not sure when because we may wait for the 2009s, but I'm gonna get a honda civic coupe. I'm very excited. :)


Jessim said...

Congrats on the Prelim MITF!

Pre-Bronze free? You'll have no problem at all, that's a nothing test. (Or did you mean bronze?) If it's Pre-Bronze, don't worry about high scores it's just marked pass/retry with no actual scores. The Bronze level is the first with scores.

I'm a bit confused- are you doing standard track moves but adult freeskate? Is that why you had to do Prelim before PreBronze?

Good luck with the summer goals. My goal is just to get my knee to stop hurting! I do hope you manage your once a month post. I like reading your progress.

Oh- and I adore my civic coupe!

Anonymous said...

Blade issues? I can relate! My legs do something weird too so the pro shop person used pieces of felt to "balance the blades." And they're now amazing. I wrote about my experience in my blog Lifeskate.com (http://www.lifeskate.com/skate/2007/10/boots-and-blade.html). I added your site to my blogroll so others will share in our collective adult skating experience! Will check back with you soon! --Susan

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