Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Democrats Standing Up

I am proud, I really like that Harry Reid. He's got some balls.

While it is obvious the Republicans don't want to get to the bottom of what happened in the lead up to the war (because all arrows point to fraud on the R's part), the democrats do. One of the most important decisions a president can make is to send his country to war. And we now know that we were knowingly given false information and that the administration tried to silence any critics of the war (through any means necessary). We, as a democracy, have a trust in our elected officials. We were misled into supporting a war through made up intellegence.
Part of the reason we have 3 branches of government is because of checks and balances. Thus far the senate has done nothing to "check" on the administration.
Well, today Harry Reid led the senate into a closed session to investigate the run up to the war.

"They have repeatedly chosen to protect the Republican administration rather than get to the bottom of what happened and why," Democratic leader Harry Reid said.

"The Libby indictment provides a window into what this is really all about, how this administration manufactured and manipulated intelligence in order to sell the war in Iraq and attempted to destroy those who dared to challenge its actions," Reid said before invoking Senate rules that led to the closed session.

Unfortunately we have moved into a political climate that doesn't allow for questioning of your leaders. If you question this administration you are either labeled "unpatriotic", simply a "bush hater" or "clinton lover". You're not allowed to disagree without it being personal. We have completely lost the spirit of compromise (as obvious from the recent SCOTUS nominations). The media has turned into a machine of Republican talking points (no really, watch the news and you will get the exact same points on every station and they can all be traced back to the republican party) - as demonstrated by the attacks on democrats saying that they are against Alito because they are against Italian-Americans (which, of course, is absurd because it is the Republicans that are the party of discrimination). The American people have no independent sources of information any more and nobody is listening to eachother, and frankly, I blame Mr. Bush. After all, Rove invented the political climate we are currently living in - win at any cost.

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