Tuesday, November 01, 2005

My Favorites

My favorite t-shirts I've found. Now just to decide which ones to get.

"Of course it hurts. You're getting screwed by an elephant."

"If you voted for Bush, a yellow ribbon won't make up for it."

"Poverty, Healthcare, and Homelessness are moral issues."

"At least in Vietnam, Bush had an exit strategy."

"My dog is smarter than your president."

"Intelligent Design: Holy smokescreen!"

"Religious Fundamentalism: A threat abroad, a threat at home."

"Dissent is the highest form of patriotism - Thomas Jefferson"

"Evolution is just a theory. Just like, um, Gravity..."

"Land grabbers do it by eminent domain."

"I'd rather have a president who screwed his intern than one who screwed his country."

"Who Would Jesus Bomb?"

"If you support Bush's war, what are you still doing here? Suit up and ship out, soldier!"

"If Jeb runs, I'm moving to a country who's dictators come from a smarter family."

"You voted for W, so SHUT UP about the gas prices." - one of my favorites

"FACT: Bush Oil: 1999 - $19 barrell, 2005 $70 barrell"

"Jesus was a social activist liberal."

"If Bush is a Christian, then I'm the virign Mary."

"Keep your theocracy of my democracy."

"Pro-choice does not mean pro-abortion."

"To announce...no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is no only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American people. - Teddy Roosevelt"

"Unemployed but safe from gay marriage!"

"Don't allow yourself to become so moral that you forget what it is to be Christian. Embrace Christ, not hate."

"When Jesus said love your enemies, I'm pretty sure he meant don't kill them!"


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