Thursday, June 23, 2005

My Letter to my Senators

According to the New York Times, presidential advisor Karl Rove recently said that liberals in this country want our troops to die.

As a liberal, I find this deeply offensive. I don't feel this is the sort of rhetoric our country needs during wartime, and I resent the idea that I want any of our troops to come to harm. In making such statements Mr. Rove is not only impugning my politics, he is degrading my basic humanity.

Although I do not support this war in Iraq, I do support our troops and I hope for all of them to have a safe journey home when their time comes. I also support our efforts in Afghanistan that we made after September 11, and I support our efforts to capture the terrorists responsible for that tragedy.

As a constituent of yours, I would like to know, Senator Hutchison, if you agree with Mr. Rove's statements. Does he speak for you?


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