Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Bad skate, bad day

I was supposed to skate with my sister this morning to finish my artistic routine that I have to perform this weekend. She didn't show up. I already feel like I'm not a big priority with her, so when something like this happens, it makes that even worse. I ended up getting off the ice at least 10 minutes early because I was having trouble keeping myself together. I did make up a little bit that I like, though. So hopefully when we get to work together, she'll like it too.
Then to top the morning off, I forgot my underwear. So I'm stuck wearing my tights underneath my pants all day (unless I can make a trip to the store during lunch). Now this is not only uncomfortable but hot as well. So hopefully the day will improve from here. I have to work until 8 (although I do get free dinner and overtime). And now I'm probably going to have to skate tomorrow morning as well. Oye. I'm also considering hiring another coach again. I feel like I need more coaching time to improve the way I want to, and other skaters have multiple coaches, so I'm thinking it might be time for me to as well.
Okay...time to start doing some actual work.

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