Wednesday, August 29, 2007

No Practice

I haven't skated at all since my test on sunday. I have the Houston Invitational this weekend. I'm going to skate public tomorrow night and then freestyle on friday morning, but that's it. Looks like I'll just be winging it this weekend. I have skated both the programs before, so we'll see.
The start of school has been totally crazy. I've spent no less than 12 hours at school everyday since monday. I'm hoping that things will calm down some, but I'm not so optimistic. :-/

Sunday, August 26, 2007


Well, I failed my preliminary moves test today. I didn't skate as well as I am capable, so that was really frustrating. That also meant I couldn't take my pre-bronze freeskate. So, that was $70 down the drain. Oh well. After Houston I'm just going to work on preliminary moves for the next month (until I'm allowed to retest), and then have one of the judges test me on a freestyle.
I'm also debating doing the Adult moves. I don't want to, but I'm afraid those 3-turn patterns on the pre-juv moves are going to kill me, and that means I won't be able to test bronze until then. *sigh* I don't know. I'll have to think about it.
School starts tomorrow. I'm partly excited, partly nervous. I hope it all goes well.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


I went skating at the little rink last night and worked solely on my artistic routine. I finally got it to where I want it to be. I added a boa to it, and I think it should be really great. My sister had thought it looked too much like a freeskate routine, so we worked some and then I had been working on my own to change and add things. I'm going to be doing that at an exhibition on saturday, so hopefully I'll have it a tad more polished by then.
I still need to work on my freeskate and my test. We still haven't gone over what we're doing for my pre-bronze test. I can't remember the last time I did my freeskate with music. :-/ I wanted to add some jump combos, but we never got that done. I did have a salchow-toe loop at the beginning that we took out because I was cheating my toe loop. Maybe we can put that back in. I don't think I'm cheating it as much anymore.
Okay...I'm off to school. Hopefully I'll be able to get in my classroom today!

Friday, August 17, 2007

I skated again today for like the second time this week. Whoopie. I did my artistic once with music. It sucked. I'm planning on adding a boa to the routine. I guess I need to get one and get that practiced since I only have 2 more weeks. :) I haven't done my freeskate program in over a week. :-/ I need to get on that too.
I have my Preliminary moves and pre-bronze freeskate tests next weekend (finally!). I ran through my moves this morning. They've been better, but they still should be passable. I need to get my skates sharpened and that should help. I haven't done anything to practice my pre-bronze freeskate. In fact...I don't even have a clue as to what's on it. I guess I should practice that once or twice this week. :)
I'm still trying to figure out these backwards three turns. The pre-juvenile moves should be a breeze for me to pass except for the three turns in the field pattern. The outside three turns I can do...right are great, left are existent. My inside ones, however, suck! I can do them on my right foot...sort of, but my left my dreams! I need my coach to work with me on those a boatload.
I think that's it. One week till my test, one week till school starts, two weeks till Houston Invitational.

Friday, August 10, 2007

harness practice

I've skated a bunch this week, but there hasn't been much new to report. Just working on all the basics. Yesterday, though, I finally got in the harness for the first time to work on my axel. It went significantly worse than I had expected it to. After about 15 tries, I finally got one that was one revolution. Woop-di-freaking-do. So yeah, for now I'm just going to keep working it off ice, and hopefully I can get on the harness once a week or so. And hopefully by January I can have some sort of resemblance of an axel. That's my goal.
Other than that I ran through my programs. My freeskate is starting to feel much more comfortable and smooth. I'd really like to beef it up a little before Houston. Just add some connecting footwork and maybe one more combination. We changed some of my artistic and decided that I need some sort of boa. I think I'm just going to take a scarf or something to the rink to see what I can do with that. I think it will really add to the routine. My compulsories are coming along. I hate what we have to do in them, but my sister did a great job on them. I have backwards three turns into a loop jump. I really like that. I looked at her like she had lost her freaking mind when she put those in, but now that I'm getting the hang of it, I think I love it.
I'm testing preliminary moves and pre bronze freeskate at the end of August. I'm not nervous about that at all. I'm over preliminary moves and ready to work on pre-juvenile so I can finally take the bronze test. I'm pretty scared of pre-juv, though. My backward inside threes are non-existant which is going to make those 3-turns in the field (which are on the silver moves), pretty darn difficult. There's also power pulls in pre-juv , which aren't that difficult, but getting them with speed is.
After Houston I have about 4 months until my next competition in January. My goals are to get new boots, test pre-juv moves, and bronze freeskate (I have to do bronze freeskate even if it means I need to take bronze moves). Learn my silver program for the next year. And finally, get some sort of axel. Lofty goals for 4 months I suppose.