Wednesday, July 13, 2005

I think Christians are ruining the country

Haha. I love learning new things about myself. This is the newest thing I've learned. I think Christians are ruining the country. I love it when people who have never had a real conversation with me about my beliefs assume they know what I think. My beliefs are extremely complex and are based on all of my life experiences. No one sentence will ever sum them up. Well, except maybe "Damn Liberal" :)
Let me just say, I love Christians. I think Christianity has a lot to offer and can teach people great things. Now that I've said that, I'll say that the majority of Evangelical Christians (southern babtists, Bible church goers) that I've met aren't nice. They don't follow what I believe to be real Christianity (the following of Christ's teachings). I think most evangelicals (that I've met) simply blindly follow what their preachers tell them. Which are generally crazy rantings about abortion, war, and subservient women.
There's nothing I respect more than a person who has really questioned their faith, and still believes. If they can answer the tough questions, then I respect them. Most people I've met, though, can't actually answer the tough questions and simply hide behind what their ministers/preachers tell them to believe.
Anyway, I need to go to bed. I might talk about this more tomorrow. We'll see if I'm in the mood.

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