Tuesday, July 05, 2005

work, lily, lake, and more work...

As usual I have a ton of political stuff I want to blog about. But as usual, I don't have the time or the energy. So a personal post it is.

I only have 9 more days of work. Yay! That's very exciting. Then for a whole month, I can do whatever. It's gonna be great.

Lily got spayed last week. They said she was going to have her stitches in and have to wear an e-collar (cone) for 7 to 10 days. I took her in to the vet today and some of her stitches were coming out, so she has to wear her collar for 3 more days, and I've got to keep her in her kennel as much as possible. Poor baby. :( This weekend we're going to Austin, though, so that should be fun for her. Hopefully everything will be okay and they don't have to go in to sew her back up. Also, she's on antibiotics for 7 days. *sigh*

I went to the lake this weekend. It was tons of fun. I had a good time. I thought I was ready to get back to CS, but now that I'm back, I'm ready to get back to the lake.

I'm sick. It sucks. I should probably go ahead and get some work done so I can leave early today and get some rest. Later.

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