Thursday, July 07, 2005

Supreme Court Judge

Okay, so I'm finally posting. I just wanted to make a point here. I was at a restaurant the other day that had fox news on (I know, why I was somewhere that would actually put on fox news is beyond me). But anyway, on fox news they said that the "religious" right (I put religious in quotes because these people are actually evil...more on that later) will push Bush to appoint an extremely conservative justice and the left will push for exactly the opposite.
Okay, so this is where I start laughing my ass off. ARE THEY STUPID?!?! (Yes, we already know that answer) Yes, the left might WANT the opposite, but given the president, they are not stupid. They are going to push for a moderate. Someone who's not extreme, and woin't legislate from the bench. The right keeps talking about "activist judges", but what they really want is an activist judge. They just want them to be activist and push their relgious views on the rest of the country.
There has been alot of talk about Gonzales which Focus on the Family is adamently against. I dont' think he's that bad (aside from his love affair with torture). I actually think he's as moderate as we're going to get, and I would be perfectly satisfied with him on the bench.
It'll be interesting to see how much power Dobson really has over Bush and how this all plays out. It's like a soap opera, really.

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