Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Me and Religion

Okay, so I've been harping on Evangelicals lately. Here's why. I have never met an evangelical that I like. I've never met an evangelical who's faith I respect. I've never met an evangelical who I think is a better person because of their beliefs. Now again, that's my personal experience. But being in the Bible belt, I've met my share of evangelicals. That being said, I know many Catholics, Jews, and Protestants whom I do respect, and think that religion is doing a good thing for them.

Also, someone in a comment mentioned me questioning my own beliefs. Let me say that I am more than willing to examine and question my beliefs. For example, if someone was able to offer real proof to me that their religion was correct (while not relying on the Bible), I would be more than willing to examine that religion and follow it's teachings, and try to spread it's teachings. The thing is, so far, I have no reason to believe on specific religion is more right than another. That's why I refuse to get caught up in the "my religion is right, you're going to hell" game. Contrary to popular beliefs, I am not an athiest. That would require me to adhere to something that I've already said I don't know about. If I was forced to call myself something, it would be agnostic. Which many people equate with athiesm, but it isn't at all. Agnostics admit that they don't know if there's a God or not. Religion is something that I'm not willing to judge someone else by, unless I think that it makes them a worse person.

All that being said, I do think religion can have alot to offer many people. I think it's something that everyone should consider and examine. For myself, I derive my morality from inside myself. I don't need a book or anything else to tell me what I think is right or wrong. Some people need that guidance. Finally, I think that religion does have more to offer than just that. I do plan on "shopping" churches once I move to Austin. First on my list is Unitarian, second is Methodist.

Okay, this was alot of ramblings.

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