Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Jeff Schultz - "Climatologist"

Proof that this guy is a quack:

Bill O'Reilly is talking about global warming and hurricanes and he throws the tsunami in there more than once. Let's get this straight, the tsunami is caused by an earthquake which is caused by plate techtonics which has absolutely nothing to do with global warming. If this guy wasn't a quack he would have corrected Bill O'Reilly in this fact.

Either way some of what he says is true, but he's ignoring the fact that aside from these natural variations we are screwing with our planet. Global warming is helping to melt the polar ice caps which will in turn slow down the conveyor belt which will result in cooling in Europe. The question is how much and how fast.
Anwyay, that's a tangent, not on point. So I think this guy is a hack. I can't find any information on his education, though I'm still looking. I looked at the Journal of Climate back through 1995 and he doesn't have a single paper in there. (If he's doing anything of merit, he should have a paper in there). He works for a weather consulting firm that does 90% of it's press on Fox News. So anyway, so far this guy has nothing going for him and I think he's an idiot.


Anonymous said...

"[...] it is highly unlikely that global warming has (or will) contribute to a drastic change in the number or intensity of hurricanes. We have not observed a long-term increase in the intensity or frequency of Atlantic hurricanes. [...] Instead of seeing a long-term trend up or down, we do see a quasi-cyclic multi-decade regime that alternates between active and quiet phases for major Atlantic hurricanes on the scale of 25-40 years each."

The Hurricane Research Division of the National Hurricane Center

Jacki said...

I never said that I think that hurricane intensity has or hasn't been affected by global warming. I've read the papers, I know about the research.
All I was saying is that this guy is an idiot.