Saturday, January 20, 2007

30 minutes/week

30 minutes, that's all I would like with a coach. Any coach. My current coach, my sister, doesn't really have time for me, and as a result, I am largely self-taught. Which, as a result, means my technique isn't the best. So anyway...I'm considering asking another coach for a 30 minute lesson/week to just work on spins, jumps, and MIF. We'll see. Overall I've just been very frustrated with the progress I've made. I feel like I should be moving faster than I am, and I think more coaching would definately help that.
Other than the coaching stuff I've had a roller coaster of skating yesterday and today. Let's start with last night. I went to the freestyle, and the ice was still very soft which made it difficult to skate. I ended up falling 3 times on my flip (I can't remember the last time I actually fell on that jump). My sister did work with my some on my edges which was good. We talked about me leaning into them too much, and I'm not coming to the line straight...which is probably because my hoops are too shallow. So I've got to work on all of those things. I can't decide if I should go ahead and sign up for the test and cross my fingers I'll be ready. I only have one more week to decide.
This morning I went to the freestyle and I actuall landed some lutzes! I changed my entrance...I had been doing it from back crossovers, but I switched to doing a mohawk and two steps. This new entrance is letting me get into it without thinking so much, so it's letting me get the feeling for it. I'm still cheating a little bit in that I think I'm going onto an inside edge right as I pick, but I think that will come as I get more comfortable and maybe go back to the other entrance. I also worked on change foot spins, and those went remarkably well. I just need to get more comfortable on my backspin.
So for this week, I need to work on MIF...alot, change foot spins, sit spins, and my lutz. The first three are my priority. I'm going to Chicago this summer for ISI worlds with my synchro team, and I'm going to compete individually. I've been told that I should probably do freeskate 4, so I need to get the change foot and sit spin for that.
Okay...time for me to work on cutting music for showskate and for my ISI program.

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