Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Awesome skate

So I decided to hang around and skate the over-crowded wednesday night freestyle. My sister stayed and worked with me for a good half-hour which made me very happy. We worked on spins the whole time. We worked on getting me into more of a sit position on my sit spin, rather than leaning over, sticking my butt out. I had one at the very end that felt pretty good. I really wish I could see myself. *sigh* We also worked alot on camels. Those didn't go terrible. I was surprised that she told me I should keep my right side sort-of open as opposed to a spiral position. I've been trying to do it just like a that made a difference. I can't wait to practice those more.
After she left I worked on jumping. My flutz is coming along nicely. I'm pretty consistent and even getting big jumps with the mohawk entrance. I tried to do a few with the back crossovers enterance since that is probably going to give me better technique. I did land a few, but I also fell on a few. I also did some loop-loops (which hurt my stress-injury...boooo), and I tried some toe-split jumps. Those feel pretty good. They feel like they might not be ugly. I just need to get my sister to look at them and tell me. If they're not ugly, maybe I can put one in my chorus line routine.
Synchro got cancelled tonight which I was a little bummed about, but that means I can go to bed early...I'm tired. Oh...and nationals start tomorrow!!! I'm beyond excited. The girl who won the novice ladies was at the houtson invitational in our locker room. Her coach was a real bitch, but I guess she fired her. Seems like that was probably a good decision.

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