Friday, January 05, 2007

Star of Texas

Wow. It has been a long time since I last posted. Not too much has happened. My loop has become pretty consistent, my flip has become really good, and I've been working hard on my waltz-loop. The past week I have been helping my sister coach the basic 1 and 2 classes. That has been a fun opportunity for me to learn some about coaching. Today I'm heading to Houston with her for a competition my niece is in. Next weekend I'm heading back to houston (solo) for a competition I am competitng in. I'm feeling pretty good about that competition, and I'm really looking forward to it. My last competition in Houston was my first competition ever and I was pretty dissappointed with my performance. I think I've improved tremendously since then, and I think I should do well. I feel good about the levels I'm competing in, and I think it should be fun. The only bad thing is my sister (my coach) can't come, so it's going to be my first competition alone.
My sister is here to pick me up. Time to go.

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