Sunday, January 14, 2007

Star of Texas Recap

Well, I had a pretty good weekend in Houston. It made me want to go to Adult Nationals really bad, though. And I have neither the time nor the money to go this year. I WILL go next year, though. Hopefully competing as a silver.
Yesterday I skated my compulsories and freeskate. I was originally signed up for Pre-Bronze compulsories, but this week they told me my competitor dropped out, so on wednesday I decided to skate bronze, and had to learn a new program, full of things I'm bad at like waltz-toe loop and a sit spin. I actually skated pretty well, though. I was pleased, and I placed 1st out of 2.
My freeskate wasn't what I was hoping for. My first jump is a loop and it was fabulous, then on my waltz-loop I put my foot down, but I was happy with this because I had been struggling all week with it. Then I almost put my hand down on my flip jump. This exact same thing has happened every time I have done it in competition. Finally, I feel on my salchow-toe loop!!! Seriously, something must be wrong with me. Everything else in the program was fin, though, but I really was not pleased with my performance and I expected to get last. Turns out the judges disagreed, though, and I got 2nd/4. And, one judge put me first. I'm guessing that my artistic score is what made me do so well, because technically I was way behind the person who got first. I didn't really watch the other two though because they were before and after me.
Today I had my artistic. I was relatively nervous because I didn't do much practicing on this one. But it went great. I did the same thing I always do on my flip, but everything else was good. It was my competitor's first competition and she was very nervous. She did well, though. I think she was annoyed that I was in the no-test group, but I just don't have the jumps or spins to compete bronze yet, and this is where my coach thought I should be.
Overall everyone was very nice. I left saturday feeling great. I left today feeling pretty good, although I felt attacked by this girl. It was a good competition, though, and I look forward to going back next year. I need a new freeskate program, though. I am totally over this days of thunder one.

Next up I have Austin Showskate. I am going to be doing my same chorus line number (although we may improve it a bit), and I'm also going to be doing something with my niece. I'm looking forward to this one. I think we're going to do a song from the princess diaries 2.
I'm going to try to post more regularly as now I'll be working on my pre-preliminary moves in the field.

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