Thursday, July 12, 2007

Two days in a row!

I skated the super-crowded, full of ISI kids that don't really skate, just hang out, session last night. I ran my program twice with music. Overall it went better. It's still a little choppy and I'm having trouble hitting my flip-loop. However, my compulsories went pretty well.
I'm having major boot problems, however. I've had these Reidell Silver Stars for about a year now, and I've loved them until the past couple months. Just this week, though, my heel has started slipping and I'm getting the first blisters I've ever gotten. I'm not sure what I'm going to do to fix this, I'm afraid I'm just going to have to get new boots.
On a bitchy note...the cannon open is in one week and they STILL haven't gotten out even a tentative schedule. I'm not sure I'll ever do a competition hosted by Stars FSC ever again. They said they would put out more practice ice once they put out a tentative schedule, but surprise surprise, no schedule. I think there is NO excuse to not have at least a list of events out AT LEAST two weeks prior to a competition. Applications were due over a month ago. That is plenty of time to get a list together.

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