Monday, May 09, 2005


I personally believe that a person doesn't choose to be gay. I think it's a silly position to think that. It just isn't logical for a person to choose a lifestyle that subjects them to critisizm and discrimination.

There's a couple new studies that are being released that support my position. It turns out that "Gay men's brains respond differently from those of heterosexual males when exposed to a sexual stimulus, researchers have found. The homosexual men's brains responded more like those of women when the men sniffed a chemical from the male hormone testosterone."

There's also been a study done in Philidelphia that examined peoples reactions to body odor. "They found that gay men differed from heterosexual men and women and from lesbian women, both in terms of which body odors gay men preferred and how their own body odors were regarded by the other groups."

I'll be interested to see the results as more of these studies take place. I'll also be excited to see if this has any influence on public perception of homosexuality. Of course we know many people prefer to ignore science and stick with their own ideas, but this will at least be some real ammo.

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