Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Invitro - good, stem cell research - bad

Okay, so I REALLY need someone to explain to me how this isn't hypocritical. PLEASE.

Seems that this Houston couple, J.J. and Tracy Jones traveled to Washington to protest the embryonic stem cell bill. Seems that they are of the opinon that embryos are "human beings from conception." That is a fine argument. Thing is, they just had a child that was from an embryo they adopted. Here's what gets me:
The couple was matched with and adopted 10 unused embryos from a family in Michigan. Three survived the thawing process (the survival rate is about 50 percent), and were implanted in Tracy's womb. One took hold. The whole process cost them about $7,500.

So basically they just destroyed 9 lives to create 1. How is this any different than stem cell research?

So anyway, if someone could explain to me how invitro fertilization is okay but stem cell research isn't I would really appreciate it.

Part of what I do is try to understand why someone else thinks something different. Times like these I just can't even come up with a single reason.

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