Friday, May 27, 2005

He voted against it so he could vote for it.

That sounds awefully familiar. But am I talking about John Kerry? No! I'm talking about the Republican Majority Leader, Mr. Bill "Cat Killer" Frist.

Seems that Bill Frist voted agaisnt the cloture vote on Bolton. See the way this works is that the issue can only be brought up again by someone on the WINNING side. So that means someone who voted "nay". So anyway, the point is he voted against it so he could vote for it.

Now I'm not saying there's anything wrong with this. It's standard procedure in the senate. (Although I'm quite sure if it was a democrat, you would think the world was falling and the republicans would be screaming) But anyway, my point is. That sometimes there are perfectly valid reasons for people to switch their vote. But the general American public is incapable of looking into those reasons. If only the democrats would stand up and scream "FLIP-FLOPPER!!!!" Then the world would be truely fair. But unfortunately, the democrats don't do crap like that. Why? Because they don't play as dirty as the republicans. *sigh* I wish they did, though. It's the only way they're ever going to win. It's most unfortunate. But the American public listens to and believes the soundbytes they hear. I was amazed at how many people told me Kerry was a flip-flopper but when I asked them a very simple question... "Why?" They had no answer. They couldn't even make anything up. They had NO idea why they were calling him a flip-flopper. I wish that people would stop watching the conservative media and make up their minds on their own. I'm quite sure that if people started thinking for themselves, the outcomes would be quite different.

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