Monday, May 23, 2005

Tax Cuts

I'm always amused by middle class folks who boast about their tax cuts. They have no idea what is really happening to them.
The Bush tax cuts were really a tax cut for the wealthy and a backdoor tax increase for the middle class, and here's why:

The average tax cut for the middle 20% of Americans was $289. (Source)

College tuition has increased %38 since Bush took office. (Source)

Bush has decreased the amount of student financial aid available. This doesn't affect the lower-class, but directly affects the middle class. (Source)

Aside from college costs, cuts in funding for education have left states desperate for money, thereby being forced to raise taxes.

Bush's tax cuts are bad for everyone except the upper class. I just wish people would realize this.

I get so frustrated about people living in their bubble that are unable to examine the big picture. All they hear is "tax cut" GREAT! That means I pay less taxes, right? WRONG!!!

Some interesting statistics: (CNN/Gallup/USAT poll)
A question asked in October:
"Do you think the country would be better off if the Republicans controlled Congress, or if the Democrats controlled Congress?"
Republicans 36% (41%)
Democrats 47% (45%)

A question asked in May
"Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling his job as president?"

Approve 46% (50%)
Disapprove 50% (45%)

"... the economy?"
Approve 40% (43%)
Disapprove 58% (53%)

"... the situation in Iraq?"
Approve 40% (42%)
Disapprove 56% (55%)

"... Social Security?"
Approve 33% (35%)
Disapprove 59% (58%)

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