Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Couple Questions

Okay, so I have some questions for people who are against stem cell research and gay marriage.

1. Embryonic Stem Cell Research
- H.R. 810 passed the house yesterday which amends the Public Health Service Act to provide for human embryonic stem cell research (thanks for the heads up, Dena). Now I think that's good. Unfortunately, Bush has already said that if it passes the Senate he will veto it. (I don't find anything in the world more frustrating than the blockage of science that has happened since Bush has been in office)
- Okay, so here's my question. In this bill, there are three limitations on the embryos used. (1) the stem cells were derived from human embryos donated from in vitro fertilization clinics for the purpose of fertility treatment and were in excess of the needs of the individuals seeking such treatment; (2) the embryos would never be implanted in a woman and would otherwise be discarded; and (3) such individuals donate the embryos with written informed consent and receive no financial or other inducements.
Why shouldn't we do research on them that could potentially help people with Alzheimers and Parkinsons, and potentially many other illnesses. Now if you've never known someone with one of these illnesses, I MIGHT understand. But let me tell you, it sucks. I think it ridiculous that researchers should be kept from finding potential cures simply because someone would prefer the embryo just be destroyed instead of letting some good come out of it.
Anyway, I want to know what people think. And please don't give me the "slippery slope" argument. I've taken logic, and I don't want any fallacies here, please.

2. Gay Marriage
- What is your opinion on a man, say, who's had gender reassignment and is now a woman marrying a man? Technically this is still a man marrying a man. But this man is now a woman, so it's a woman marrying a man. Does this "distroy the institution of marriage"?

Okay, so I know nobody reads this so I won't get any response, so I guess these questions are just for myself. *sigh*

Oh, I have a suggestion. How about if scientific advances are made with stem cell research and cures for some of these problems are found. Anyone on record as being against it isn't allowed to use the benefits.
I really think that we should start a system of accountability in this country. If you are for the war, you go fight the war. You are agaisnt science, you don't get to use science. I think it would really make people think twice before supporting/not supporting issues. (no, i'm not joking, yes, I'm being 100% serious)

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