Friday, February 25, 2005

Election rant

Ever since the election I've gotten out of the political game. Before the election I put so much of myself out there. I felt so optimistic about people, and I felt like I was making a difference. Now, I feel pretty hopeless. That no matter what I do, I can't make a difference. I worked so hard trying to educate people about the issues. I registered voters. I really put myself out on the line. I usually don't like to talk about my opinions with people, but I did. I read alot and I learned alot. I was prepared. I knew more about both candidates than most of the people I talked to. Most of them refused to change their mind. I'm amazed at people who are willing to ignore information because they feel like it came from the "liberal media". (Which I find amusing since it's coming out that Bush used tax money to pay off reporters...or is that just liberal propaganda, too?) People are just so unwilling to hear anything bad about Bush. I just don't get it. He has done so many aweful things, I don't understand how anyone could possibly give him the stamp of approval for 4 more years of his lying. Argh...I'm getting upset, so I need to stop writing and get back to work.
This is why I stopped with the politics. Maybe once Bush has finally finished his damage and is out of office, I can return to this stuff. Until then, all I can do is support my local congressman who I did help elect. (yay Chet Edwards!), and fight for the legeslation I believe in. It's going to be a long road, but hopefully we'll make it out.

In future posts I'm going to try to avoid the rants on Bush and focus on the legeslation I think is worth fighting for and against, and that will hopefully be the extent of my political blogging.

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