Monday, February 21, 2005

I'll bet you can't eat just one...

At the beginning of the day was it my goal to eat a whole box of girl scout cookies today? Not really. But fear not, I have almost achieved this. I opened a box of tagalongs last night, and I had 2 cookies. Today, so far, I have had 9 cookies leaving me only 4 more cookies to go. WOW. I wonder if it is better to eat the cookies this way, all at the same time; or if it's better to drag it out over weeks and weeks only having one cookie a day. I dunno. I suppose that when I go to the gym this evening I will have to kick myself in the rear. They're just so delicious, though. Mmmmmm.....

1 comment:

Alicia said...

I think about that all at once or spread out over time thing all of the time. Is it better just to be really really bad and get it over with or spread it over time and feel guilty for days? I start with the over time, but then once half the package is gone, I move to the all at once approach.