Thursday, February 24, 2005

I'm boring, I'm a liberal...that is all

Well, I've decided that my life is officially boring. For the third day in a row I've sat here and tried to think of something interesting to write. Something interesting I've done. Something funny that's happened to me. Nothing. What do I do everyday? I work from about 9-5. I go to the gym for a couple of hours each night. I eat dinner. I talk to Danny. I go to bed. Oh well...
I have been talking alot more to a friend I had lost touch with. It's been good. I learned that she has become more liberal. Which makes me happy. I like it when my friends learn that being liberal isn't evil (we are from Texas after all), and that we are just as concerned with so-called morality as conservatives. We just think that education, the environment, and helping those in need are moral issues too. Speaking of being liberal in Texas, I find it funny that all the slander political ads in Texas use the phrase "Liberal. Too liberal for Texas." It's just funny to me.
Okay, I'm not getting into a political discussion today, so I guess I'll get back to work.

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