Sunday, February 27, 2005

Make every vote count

Senators Clinton and Boxer released their "Make Every Vote Count Act of 2005" today. I think this is a very important bill that needs public attention. I don't think anybody can actually deny that we have a voting crisis on our hands here. Something needs to be done. I think this bill has some excellent features, many of which aren't present in the republicans election reform bills. Here are what I think the most important things in this bill are.
1. A paper ballot will be provided for every electronic voting machine and this will be the basis for recounts (this is about the only thing in common with the republican bills, although admitidly, this is the most important)
2. Restricts the ability of chief state election officials as well as owners and senior managers of voting machine manufacturers to engage in certain kinds of political activity. (Can we say conflict of interest? Note that in 2000 and 2004 the chief election officials of florida and ohio, respectively, were extremely active in the Bush campaign. Also note that in 2004 the Diebold (company that makes lots of voting machines) CEO said that he would "deliver Ohio to Bush", and there were numerous reports of Diebold voting machine errors in Ohio.)
3. Makes it a federal crime punishable by a year in prison to commit deceptive practices such as sending flyers into minority neighborhoods telling voters the wrong voting date. (Don't have much to comment on this except that I think it's good)
4. Makes election day a national holiday. (I don't think this one is a big deal, and it seems to benefit people who are on a pay roll more than people who are on hourly salary, but either way.)

Anyway, here's the link to Senator Boxer's press release on the bill.

I think this is very important spread the word on it. It'll be buried by republicans before ever making it to the floor, but we can at least make it known what's trying to be done. In my opinion anyone who is against voting reform is insecure with what the majority in this country actually is. This isn't about changing past elections, it's about making sure future elections are conducted fairly. In my opinion every election should be independently audited for accuracy.
Okay, that's it for me. Read about the bill, spread the word.

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