Tuesday, February 28, 2006


I guess I never wrote about last wednesday. I went skating and I took my basic 4 test. So that's done with. It was a really off night for my jumps, and it was too crowded to do much spinning. My niece was sick, and it turns out she didn't feel like keeping that to herself. Danny and I went to Vegas this weekend, and that's when it started hitting me. I haven't been able to get out of bed today. Of course, I slept all day, so here I am at 4 in the morning, unable to sleep. Anyway, I was hoping to skate on thursday, but I guess I'm just going to have to see how I'm feeling.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Public Service Announcement

DO NOT ORDER from http://www.tidewaterice.com/

I'll write a detailed explanation as to why later on when I have more time, but until then. DON'T DO IT!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

slow and steady wins the race?

Okay, so I had a good day skating yesterday, I guess. I worked alot on loops. I finally have the half loop where I actually take off from my edge, I don't cheat and use my toepick like I was initially doing. I started trying to do an actual loop now that I understand the take off, but I'm really having some problems with rotation. So I don't know what my deal is. I'm hoping that in the freestyle class tomorrow the coach will be able to help me figure out what's wrong.
So once I figured this edge thing out, I worked on my salchows. I've always cheated them a little bit, so I think I've got them figured out off the edge too.

I don't really have anything exciting to write about, and I should be working, so I guess that's all I've got to say for now.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Freestyle Baby

About my weekend. Saturday I had my lesson. I've been in basic 3&4 because I wanted to make sure I had that stuff down well, even though I knew I could be in freestyle. So anyway, during my lesson, my coach told me that she was going to move me up to freestyle in 2 weeks (that's the halfway mark). But she asked to see my waltz jump, and after seeing that, she went ahead and bumped me up on saturday. So, I stuck around for the freestyle class, and it turns out that I'm one of the most advanced in that. I think that my time in group lessons is about to end. The coach saturday was a sub, and he was totally worthless. I'm hoping that the actual coach for freestyle is much better. So anyway, I'm hoping they'll be able to teach me the loop and the flip. Even though I know how to do them both, I'm obviously doing something wrong since I can't actually do either one. :)

So after all of this, I stuck around for public session. My right leg has been really bothering me. I'm not sure exactly what the problem is. It hurts on the outside right above my ankle. It hurts to touch, but it also hurts to walk sometimes. I'm thinking it's a problem with my boots (they aren't the most comfortable in the world), but I'm not sure. So anyway, I tried to take it a little easy because of this, but my sister really wanted me to practice the loop, so practice I did. I've almost got a half version down (where I land on my left foot), although I'm still a little shy of a full rotation. So I'm planning on working on that some more today.

Other than that, all I have to say is I'm excited about Skating with Celebrities finale, and then women's event at Turino! Okay, time to get to work...

Friday, February 17, 2006

spining spinning spinning

Okay, so yesterday I had a great evenig at the rink, although it got off to a rough start. I made the mistake of eating sonic before I went, and then I spun and spun and spun until I thought I was going to puke. Then, they blocked off half of the rinnk for classes. So I decided to take a break and I layed down for half an hour or so and waited for my sister. Once I was feeling better I worked on some edges, some backspins and some jumps. My toe-loop is actually pretty good now, and I worked on making my salchow less swingy. My flip I got more height than I've ever gotten. So much so that I was surprised in the middle and bailed. I really think that if I could just commit to it I could land it just fine. I'm getting close, that and the loop will be my focus in freestyle.
Then at the end of the evening I worked on spinning some more. My scratch spin is getting somewhat consistent, although I still lose it at the very end. THat's not the worst thing that can happen, though...it just means I need to cut it short. But, I would like to get it a little more solid. I finally have a sit spin, sort of. I can't get very low, but I was getting some consistent revolution which was an improvement.
I did manage to fall once on my elbow and now I have this huge bump that hurts to the touch. Last night it was hurting just to move it, so at least I've made some improvement as far as that goes.

For this weekend...I have my lesson tomorrow morning, and then public session. Then I've got some friends coming in town. Then sunday night I'm going to cook a benihana dinner for my sister and her family for her dinner (i think...I haven't verified this yet). Should be a good weekend.

Monday, February 13, 2006

spinning and jumping

Well, I didn't think I was going to get to skate today, but my evening class was cancelled, so off to the rink I went. I had a really good skate. I worked on my scratch spins, and I think I've got it figured out what I need to do with them...the only problem is convincing my body to do it. :) My backspins I can do two decent rotations reasonably consistently...so I just need to keep working on that.
I broke my promise and worked on jumping today. I worked on my toe-loop. I'm working on getting more speed into it, and some more height. I also worked on my flip, although I still haven't landed it once. I just can't seem to get the rotation needed. But, I'm not going to let it worry me. I also tried to get a loop. That one just eludes me on how to get off the ice, though.
I also committed myself to som stroking excersizes...I need to get myself in shape, so everytime I skate I really need to spend some time stroking. This should also improve my comfort on the ice.

Right now I'm watching the pairs competition on my Tivo. I'm excited to see Baldwin skate, but that's really it. Okay...enough posting for me. Later.

Sunday, February 12, 2006


I forgot to say that I HATE this new, women allowed to wear pants rule. It sucks...for singles it might be okay. But for pairs, there's just something about two pairs of pants out there...it bugs me. Okay...that's all.

Lots to say

Well...I should be working on my homework, but I have alot on my mind, so I decided to post, first. :)

First of all, I forgot to write about friday night. I drug Danny and some of his friends to the rink with me. It was a really good time. It was too crowded to do alot of practicing, but I did get a couple decent scratch spins in.

Today I went skating with my sister and ally. Again, it was really crowded so I didn't get too much practice in, but I did do a little work on my toe-loops, and they seem to be improving, mildly.

I've made some decisions about my practicing. I'm going to stick to practicing the basics and spins. I'm going to stop worrying about jumping besides working on my salchow, toe-loop, and waltz-toe. When I'm ready to jump more, I'll know it. I should be moving up to the freestyle class in a couple of weeks, so I think I'll just wait until then. I do hope to be tested for bronze by this summer, though.

Now...onto the Olympics. So normally I don't really care about pair skating. But the last olympics I started watching it. And this olympics is especially exciting for me. When my sister skated her coach was John Baldwin's father. So it's very exciting for her that he made the olympics, and made olympic history with the throw-triple axel. Very exciting. Too bad they're in 6th. I thought they skated a nice program. Surely better than one of those chinese teams...I can't remember which one...the one with the torn ACL.
The other news is that Michelle Kwan withdrew. That's too bad because this is probably her last Olympics. I think it's Sasha Cohen's year, though anyway. So it will be interesting to see. Now Emily Hughes is in. I didn't get to see nationals, so I don't know how she skates. I know I'm not a fan of Sarah Hughes, though. Sarah just looks so awkward on the ice, and her legs are never straight. So anyway, I'm excited to see how it turns out.

Okay...onto my homework. *sigh*

Saturday, February 11, 2006

2nd class

I had a good lesson today. We worked on backwards edges some. Man, is that eye-opening. I am no where near as proficient at this edgework as I thought. But, now I have something to practice on. We also worked on two-foot spins, one-foot spins, and my scratch spins. That was great. My coach gave me some good tips on my spin. She told me to bend my knee slightly until I find my center, that seems to be doing some work.

After my lesson I went up to the north rink to meet my sister and niece. Well, after an hour they hadn't shown up, my foot was hurting, and I absolutely hated skating at that rink, so I left. I'm a l ittle dissapointed that I didn't get some more skate time in today, especially since I don't get to go on monday, but it's okay, because my in-laws are coming in town today, and thanks to Danny I was in bad need of a nap. So, the next time I skate will be next tuesday. That will be a spin day.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Blah day

Well, today wasn't a great day at the rink. I was so excited to go skating and then I got there and was just...blah. My spins were off today, I barely did 2 decent scratch spins, and I just am not getting the sit spin thing, not to even mention the back spin. The one thing that did go well is that I practiced my new toe-loop entry, and I got that relatively quickly. The flip jump is still the bane of my existence, though. I get so frustrated when I go and I feel like I'm not making any progress.
Saturday I have my second lesson, so hopefully I can get some of this basic stuff hammered out. Then my sister, niece, and I are going skating up at the north rink.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Monday monday

So monday was my first "private lesson" with my sister. I worked alot on my scratch spins, and they are feeling much better. Now it's onto my sit spin.
She gave me a new entry for my toe-loop so I need to work on that. Last thursday I had a great day for my toe-loop and it was feeling really good. So monday wasn't a good day, and that was pretty frustrating, but I'll get it... I hope.
She also gave me some crossover patterns to work on. They didn't go so well, but I'm going to work on it, and I think I'll get it.
I left my skates to get sharpened today. So I'm nervous that when I get them I'm not going to be able to skate. So my goals for tomorrow are to work on edges and basics alot. I'm not sure I'm even going to think about jumping. Unfortunately I have class on monday, so I'm not going to be able to skate then. *sigh* But hopefully I'll get to skate twice this weekend.

On a not-skating note, I got a phone interview with a company in San Antonio. It seems like it would be a great job, I'm just not sure about spending 3 hours a day in the car. That would definately put a damper on my ice time.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

First Class

Well, Friday was my 25th birthday. I'm officially old. During the day I had tons of work to do, which sucked. That evening, Danny and I went to dinner at this Brazilian restaurant, Dona Emilia's. It was really good. Then we went to buffalo billiards and played some pool and then cap city comedy club. It was a really good night.
Yesterday I started my ice skating class yesterday. It is almost a private lesson for me because I am the most advanced in the class. The teacher helped me with my forward and backward crossovers, my edges, and my 3-turns. I think there was a chance she would've moved me straight up to the freestyle class, but unfortunately I was off my game and my 3-turns were sucking. Oh well...I think this class will be good for me and my technique.
After that Jennifer, Ally and I went skating for an hour or so, then we hung around the rink and watched a showskate competition. It was pretty interesting. I think next year 3 three of us could blow the rest of the competition away.
Last night They all took me and Danny out for my birthday. It was good times.
So, my 25th birthday turned out to be pretty good. Now I guess it's time to get started on the 2nd quarter century of my life.