Sunday, February 12, 2006

Lots to say

Well...I should be working on my homework, but I have alot on my mind, so I decided to post, first. :)

First of all, I forgot to write about friday night. I drug Danny and some of his friends to the rink with me. It was a really good time. It was too crowded to do alot of practicing, but I did get a couple decent scratch spins in.

Today I went skating with my sister and ally. Again, it was really crowded so I didn't get too much practice in, but I did do a little work on my toe-loops, and they seem to be improving, mildly.

I've made some decisions about my practicing. I'm going to stick to practicing the basics and spins. I'm going to stop worrying about jumping besides working on my salchow, toe-loop, and waltz-toe. When I'm ready to jump more, I'll know it. I should be moving up to the freestyle class in a couple of weeks, so I think I'll just wait until then. I do hope to be tested for bronze by this summer, though.

Now...onto the Olympics. So normally I don't really care about pair skating. But the last olympics I started watching it. And this olympics is especially exciting for me. When my sister skated her coach was John Baldwin's father. So it's very exciting for her that he made the olympics, and made olympic history with the throw-triple axel. Very exciting. Too bad they're in 6th. I thought they skated a nice program. Surely better than one of those chinese teams...I can't remember which one...the one with the torn ACL.
The other news is that Michelle Kwan withdrew. That's too bad because this is probably her last Olympics. I think it's Sasha Cohen's year, though anyway. So it will be interesting to see. Now Emily Hughes is in. I didn't get to see nationals, so I don't know how she skates. I know I'm not a fan of Sarah Hughes, though. Sarah just looks so awkward on the ice, and her legs are never straight. So anyway, I'm excited to see how it turns out.

Okay...onto my homework. *sigh*

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