Saturday, February 11, 2006

2nd class

I had a good lesson today. We worked on backwards edges some. Man, is that eye-opening. I am no where near as proficient at this edgework as I thought. But, now I have something to practice on. We also worked on two-foot spins, one-foot spins, and my scratch spins. That was great. My coach gave me some good tips on my spin. She told me to bend my knee slightly until I find my center, that seems to be doing some work.

After my lesson I went up to the north rink to meet my sister and niece. Well, after an hour they hadn't shown up, my foot was hurting, and I absolutely hated skating at that rink, so I left. I'm a l ittle dissapointed that I didn't get some more skate time in today, especially since I don't get to go on monday, but it's okay, because my in-laws are coming in town today, and thanks to Danny I was in bad need of a nap. So, the next time I skate will be next tuesday. That will be a spin day.

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