Tuesday, March 01, 2005

UT pom vs. Aggie dance team, and working out

I found out that I am going to UT. Something I've always wanted to do is be on the Texas Pom Squad, so I think I'm going to try out.
Why didn't you just do Aggie Dance Team you ask?
Well, there are many reasons.
1) Because I was around when the Aggie Dance Team was first formed, and I made lots of fun of them every year at nationals because they sucked! (I was about 10)
2) Because they don't get to do football games which was something I wanted to do.
3) Because I don't really care for the director. She's not a very nice person.
4) I really wanted a break from hard-core dancing after high school.

Anyway, so here I am. 6 years later, going to UT, and I've decided to try out for the pom squad. I've decided if I'm going to try out, I'm going to take it seriously, and this means losing some weight. So I've been working out with a personal trainer once a week for about a month now. Last week, though, I've started walking/jogging 2.25 miles a day, and I've done it every day for a week. Awesome! I'm eating alot better too. So hopefully this will be enough and I can get the "appropriate physique" before tryouts in a month and a half. This week I'm not going to get to work out that much, though, and then we're having a girls weekend. It's going to be very hard to refrain from pigging out, but I just can't do it! I only have a month and a half, and I really need to lose about 10-15 lbs. That's 2 lbs a week. Here goes.

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