Tuesday, March 29, 2005

I live in a zoo...

Isn't there a song about that? I can kind of hum a tune, but I just can't hash it out. Well, right now, I really do live in a zoo. This week we have 4 animals in our 2 bedroom apartment. 3 cats, 1 puppy. The 3 cats wasn't so bad because Callie was sick for most of the time, and so she just stayed in my room. Now she's feeling better, though, and she's crazy. The puppy is what's throwing it over the edge. The puppy is crazy. That's all. She chews, cause that's what puppies do. She whines, cause she's whiney, and she bites Callie. I feel like I'm playing referee between all these animals. Vesta and Ellie are not very happy about all these animals invading their territory.

Well, at least Callie's going home this weekend. I love that kitty, but she'll be glad to get home. The puppy is here to stay, though. Either Jamie or I will probably adopt her. I have to say I have a few reservations about adopting her. We'll have the next few weeks until she gets closer to adopting age for me to really see. I might take her home this weekend to meet the family. That'll be a huge thing. I'm just not sure I'm prepared for a puppy. Jamie will help for sure (she's quite attached :) ), but it's still a really big responsibility for someone who's never had a real dog. I guess it'll partly depend on how she bonds with people this weekend (if she gets to go), and how the puppy training classes agree with her, and how well she gets crate trained. I'm not sure I could really handle her the way she is now.
Although I do have to say that she's the cutest thing I think I've ever seen.

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