Friday, March 11, 2005

Lots of stuff...

Gosh, I feel like I haven't posted in a while, so I'm trying to think of something interesting that's happened.
My professor wants me to teach his radiation class while he's out of town the week after next. Ummm, did he forget that I got a B in that class? I'm sure there are many other people in our group more qualified to teach that class than I. Not only that, but for the first time, I'll be teaching to my peers. Scary! I guess it'll be good practice for my seminar, and I should get used to it if I'm really getting my PhD.
There was a geosciences career fair on tuesday, but I was still in Austin, so I missed it. Sad. I would have liked to go to see what job oppertunities are out there for me. Especially because I'm not sure I'll ever want to do my own research where I'm responsible for getting grants and stuff. Maybe I'll just get my PhD and then be a post-doc somewhere for forever.
We went out to northgate last night. That's always good times. I got a little tipsy, not drunk, though.
Today is a BEAUTIFUL day. Maybe sometime later I'll have to go outside and work. My main problem is that my laptop battery has gone to shit, so I can't take it outside. So I have to take stuff to do on paper. But of course, paper blows in the wind.
Danny and I are still looking at houses. We've found some great houses down south. They're new and big. So that's looking promising. It just stinks because it would be harder to get to campus, but I think it might be worth it.
Okay, that's my life in a nutshell. Fun times.

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