Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Who's side are those republicans on?

So I was doing my skimming through the votes in the Senate, and I came across this one.

An amendment to the budget who's purpose is to:
"To restore funding for education programs that are cut and reduce debt by closing corporate tax loopholes."

This was turned down 44-47 with only 3 republicans (Chafee-RI, Coleman-MN, Devine-OH) voting for it.

Come on. Fund education?!?! CUT corporate tax loopholes. Man, these people really aren't for the corporations, they are DEFINATELY for the people. (once again...sarcastic tone)

Oh, and then there's this vote:

Another amendment to the budget to:
"To protect the American people from terrorist attacks by providing the necessary resources to our firefighters, police, EMS workers and other first-responders by restoring $1,626 billion in cuts to first-responder programs."

This one was turned down 46-54 with only 1 republican (Chafee-RI) voting for it.

Man, the party that lays claim to fixing terrorism sure is doing a great job here at home.

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