Saturday, March 19, 2005

Some good times

Okay, so aside from all the drama, I really have had a good week. Wednesday we went and played pool. That was a good time. Although I had no intentions of it, I got pretty drunk. Then thursday night Jamie and I ended up having a St. Patrick's day party. We played hours of flippy cup. I think I love that game. I managed to get mildly drunk that night too. Then last night I went over to Chrissy's for her birthday. We just hung out, and once again, I got a little drunk. I think I've drank more in this past week than I did the rest of the semester. It's okay though cause it's spring break.
I had been feeling pretty lost in the department. I felt like I didn't fit in anywhere anymore. Dave had left, and I was feeling like he was the only person here who really cared (besides Jamie, of course). This past week though I feel like that has changed. I'm feeling alot closer to people, and I've had a really good time. I'm more optimistic about my last few months here.

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