Thursday, March 24, 2005

Summary of my life...

I am again frustrated with the way things are going in College Station.

I have to teach again in an hour.

Instead of working on my thesis this week I've been working on stuff to teach for this darn class.

I get so scared over teaching a silly class to people 2 years younger than I, I'm really afraid of how scared I'm going to be when it comes time to give my seminar to my peers and professors. :(

Turns out I am invited to that wedding after all.

I didn't sleep at all last night.

I think I'm getting sick. Although, I've been thinking that for over a month now, but I really think it's true this time.

I'm going to Austin to look at houses on saturday. Danny's looking today to get a head start.

I have to give Callie back to my sister next weekend. That makes me sad. :( I want a kitten of my own.

I finally worked out again last night. I ran on the track at the gym, and I ran a whole mile pretty easily. Not very fast, but a mile all the same.

I'm really tired, and I'll probably leave work early for the 4th day in a row. Maybe I'll get some work on my thesis done, though.

Okay, that's all for now. I'm tired, might rest my head on my desk for a few minutes...

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