Monday, March 14, 2005

It's a beautiful day.

Gosh, this weekend was gorgeous. All I wanted to do was lay outside by the pool and read. Of course, I didn't do this. I mostly laid on my couch with our porch door open and watched television. Although, I did clean the apartment. This was a big achievement for me because it's been forever since I've cleaned. I'm sure Jamie is tired of my dirtiness. I said I was going to work on my thesis, but that never happened. (My laptop never even made it out of my bag.)
Danny came in town on saturday night. I cooked him a good dinner. We went to Alfred Hornbeck's to play some pool. That was fun. We decided we need a pool table in our house, we can just pretend like it's part of the cost of the house. :) Then, sunday morning, I cooked him breakfast and we made sandwiches for lunch (with Dill potato chips of course... Yummm!!!). We should have had a picnic. That would have been smart. With all this cooking I'm afraid I may be spoiling him. Oh well, I'll just have to teach him how to cook good so he can cook for me. That would be alot easier if I wasn't such a control freak, though.
So here I am today, sitting in my office. I have yet to work on my thesis because I had to proofread a proposal for my professor. He's hoping to study ice clouds in the Martian atmosphere. This came about because one of our professors worked on the Mars rover project the past few years. Interesting stuff.

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