Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Puppy Crate Training, Day 1

Okay, so I guess I should start this post with a little background. Jamie and I are currently fostering a 5 week old puppy. We think it's mostly golden retriever, but it's still a little young to tell. There's a good chance this dog will end up being one of ours. Her name is Lily. Let me also say that I've never really had a dog, much less a puppy.

So we've decided to go ahead and start crate training her. From what I hear, this is pretty painful for a few nights, and they were right. Last night was her first night to spend in her crate, and she was pretty unhappy. Jamie got up twice to take her out to pee, and she got upset when she had to get back into the crate. The in between times she's asleep, so she's pretty good. So here I am, it's 6:30 in the morning, I've been up since 5. I'm waiting for her to stop crying so I can take her out of her crate. See, with dogs, aparently, it's all psycological. So if I take her out while she's crying, she'll think she's being rewarded for crying. So here I sit. At least I'm going to get to work early today. I guess. I have to stay up until at least 9, though because that's when my trainer is done. So it's going to be a long day.

Oh! We've had almost a whole minute of silence. 1 more minute and the puppy is free. Cross your fingers.

Pictures of Lily can be found here.

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