Thursday, March 31, 2005

Thanks Eeyore...

Thanks for having such great quotes that accurately capture my mood today.

"One can't complain. I have my friends. Someone spoke to me only yesterday."

"Nobody tells me. Nobody keeps me Informed. I make it seventeen days come Friday since anybody spoke to me."
"It certainly isn't seventeen days - "
"Come Friday," explained Eeyore.
"And today's Saturday," said Rabbit.


Okay, well instead of doing work this morning, I've been looking online at cameras. I've found a camera that I think I really like, the Olympus C-765. It's got 10X optical zoom (compared to 3X on my current camera) and I can control the shutter speed which is good for lightning pictures. The problem with it is it is bigger than my current camera. So I don't think it's really good for just throwing in my purse when we go out. So I don't know. I guess I'll go to best buy later and check it out. See how big it really is. Okay, back to work.

Animals, IDs, and my weekend

Okay, well, I'm getting tired of animals. Rapidly. Each day brings me closer to the edge. Hopefully taking Callie home will make a difference. We'll see.
Callie's at the vet today getting checked out. She's doing lots better. I'm gonna miss her, she's a good cat.

I got whataburger for breakfast this morning and paid with Aggie Bucks, and they didn't give me my ID back. *sigh*

My professor gave me my revised proposal back today. So next week I'll get it submitted and step 1 will be complete! (well, step 2 I guess if you count finishing classes as step 1)

I'm going home this weekend for a very busy weekend. I have to go dance clothes shopping for Pom squad try-outs (goal: to find pants that don't make me look, I don't really think I'm fat, but for the dance team thing, I kinda think I am). I have to take pictures for try-outs. Danny and I are meeting with the minister. Danny and I have to go pick out his tux. Melanie, Erin, and Amy are having a birthday gathering. I have to go shopping for my headpiece for the wedding since my pictures are in a month. I need to go looking for a new camera. *sigh* So yeah, that's my weekend in a nutshell. Oh, and I have to be back in CS by 3 on sunday, so I have to leave Dallas by 11:30 or so. Busy Busy.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

I live in a zoo...

Isn't there a song about that? I can kind of hum a tune, but I just can't hash it out. Well, right now, I really do live in a zoo. This week we have 4 animals in our 2 bedroom apartment. 3 cats, 1 puppy. The 3 cats wasn't so bad because Callie was sick for most of the time, and so she just stayed in my room. Now she's feeling better, though, and she's crazy. The puppy is what's throwing it over the edge. The puppy is crazy. That's all. She chews, cause that's what puppies do. She whines, cause she's whiney, and she bites Callie. I feel like I'm playing referee between all these animals. Vesta and Ellie are not very happy about all these animals invading their territory.

Well, at least Callie's going home this weekend. I love that kitty, but she'll be glad to get home. The puppy is here to stay, though. Either Jamie or I will probably adopt her. I have to say I have a few reservations about adopting her. We'll have the next few weeks until she gets closer to adopting age for me to really see. I might take her home this weekend to meet the family. That'll be a huge thing. I'm just not sure I'm prepared for a puppy. Jamie will help for sure (she's quite attached :) ), but it's still a really big responsibility for someone who's never had a real dog. I guess it'll partly depend on how she bonds with people this weekend (if she gets to go), and how the puppy training classes agree with her, and how well she gets crate trained. I'm not sure I could really handle her the way she is now.
Although I do have to say that she's the cutest thing I think I've ever seen.

Puppy Crate Training, Day 1

Okay, so I guess I should start this post with a little background. Jamie and I are currently fostering a 5 week old puppy. We think it's mostly golden retriever, but it's still a little young to tell. There's a good chance this dog will end up being one of ours. Her name is Lily. Let me also say that I've never really had a dog, much less a puppy.

So we've decided to go ahead and start crate training her. From what I hear, this is pretty painful for a few nights, and they were right. Last night was her first night to spend in her crate, and she was pretty unhappy. Jamie got up twice to take her out to pee, and she got upset when she had to get back into the crate. The in between times she's asleep, so she's pretty good. So here I am, it's 6:30 in the morning, I've been up since 5. I'm waiting for her to stop crying so I can take her out of her crate. See, with dogs, aparently, it's all psycological. So if I take her out while she's crying, she'll think she's being rewarded for crying. So here I sit. At least I'm going to get to work early today. I guess. I have to stay up until at least 9, though because that's when my trainer is done. So it's going to be a long day.

Oh! We've had almost a whole minute of silence. 1 more minute and the puppy is free. Cross your fingers.

Pictures of Lily can be found here.

Friday, March 25, 2005

John Stewart

Okay, so I love John Stewart. He has a good summary of the cable news coverage of the Terry Shiavo case here.

Once again, the way the media is covering this, I don't know how anyone can argue, with a straight face, a liberal media bias. I've been fighting people on this issue since I was forced to watch Fox News everyday in 2003 when we invaded Iraq. I've watched CNN, and these people have gone crazy. They are catering to the neocons and it's getting ridiculous.

Does nobody care about real news anymore?

Vote for me!

Oh it's that time of year again. The sun is peaking out from behind it's winter shadows, flowers are starting to bloom, and all over campus people are making asses out of themselves in hopes that you will support their candidate. That's right, it's election time here at Texas A&M. Quite possibly my least favorite time of year. You can't go anywhere without someone telling you to vote for so-and-so, or someone else saying "hey! look at me, I'm funny. That means that you should vote for so-and-so!" Ah yes, perfectly mature college students acting like morons. Why it has to be this way, I'm not sure. I think it has something to do with the fact that we don't seperate our yell leader elections and our student government elections. Who knows.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Summary of my life...

I am again frustrated with the way things are going in College Station.

I have to teach again in an hour.

Instead of working on my thesis this week I've been working on stuff to teach for this darn class.

I get so scared over teaching a silly class to people 2 years younger than I, I'm really afraid of how scared I'm going to be when it comes time to give my seminar to my peers and professors. :(

Turns out I am invited to that wedding after all.

I didn't sleep at all last night.

I think I'm getting sick. Although, I've been thinking that for over a month now, but I really think it's true this time.

I'm going to Austin to look at houses on saturday. Danny's looking today to get a head start.

I have to give Callie back to my sister next weekend. That makes me sad. :( I want a kitten of my own.

I finally worked out again last night. I ran on the track at the gym, and I ran a whole mile pretty easily. Not very fast, but a mile all the same.

I'm really tired, and I'll probably leave work early for the 4th day in a row. Maybe I'll get some work on my thesis done, though.

Okay, that's all for now. I'm tired, might rest my head on my desk for a few minutes...

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Stick a fork in me...

Well, I just got done teaching, and what did I learn? That however long I think it's going to take to teach something, it's probably going to take half that long. Ask me how much of an hour and fifteen minute class I spent teaching? Go ahead. Okay, 20 minutes! WTF!!! I suck. I'm a bad teacher. *sigh* Now I have to search for some math problems to do on thursday so I can teach for more than 20 minutes. :-/


Okay, so in exactly one hour I have to teach a senior level cloud physics class because my professor is at a conference. Now, for some reason, I get really freaked out when I have to teach. No matter what I feel completely unprepared. This stinks because next fall I'm going to have to TA again. I just don't know. I really need to get over this. I think I would be good at teaching math. Math is good, you can write math stuff on the board, talk about it, and work problems. That's all good. Today I have to teach about lightning. First, I have to talk about some boring history stuff. My delimma is what do I write on the board? This stuff probably won't be covered, so should I write anything on the board? I don't want to just stand there and talk, though. Then, I have to talk about the basics of lightning. That's a little better. I have an overhead that I can try to discuss. Then, I have to discuss the fiar weather electric field. Now this I don't know much about, but once again, I have a figure. Finally, if there's still too much time, I'm going to dive into the thermoelectric effect. This is what I feel most comfortable with. I am hoping to hold that off until the thursday class, but I don't think I have enough material, so we'll see if that happens.
Okay, I am really freaking out. I need to calm down and BREATHE.

Monday, March 21, 2005

Human Rights?

I would just like to point out that as govorner of Texas, Bush signed a law allowing hospitals to pull the plug against a family's wishes if the chance for recovery was non-existent, and the patient could not pay. This is called the Texas Futile Care Law. Just this week a baby was removed from life support against his mothers wishes thanks to this law (ahem...can we say pro-life?). Now Bush is signing a bill to let Congress step in and tell Terri Shiavo's husband what he should do.
Could Bush be any more inconsistent.

Oh wait, I just realized that is consistent. In both cases he's working towards taking the decision away from the family members who are the ones emotionally involved.

According to an ABC poll, 67% of Americans think that congress is just interveining for political gain, and I'd have to say that I agree.

Other notes:
- Republicans have repeatedly voted to abolish medicare funding that would pay for the kind of care that someone like Terri Shiavo needs.
- The tort reform that Bush is pushing to pass would preclude malpractice claims like that which has paid for Terri Shiavo's care thus far.
- The recently passed bankrupty bill will make it more difficult for families who suffer a catastrophic illness like Terry Schiavo's because they will not be able to declare chapter 7 bankruptcy and get a fresh start when the gargantuan medical bills become overwhelming.

So basically what congress and the president is telling us is that we should have no choice in the fate of our loved one, and we should be screwed into the ground when it comes to paying for this fate. Great.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

God's Politics

I think this looks like an interesting book. It discusses how religious beliefs intercept political beliefs. It's subtitled "Why the right gets it wrong and the left doesn't get it." I think that sums it up pretty well. Anyway, I think it looks like a good book. Especailly for people who think that Christian == Republican.
You can read the first chapter here.

This is a paragraph written about it from this site.
"God's Politics offers a clarion call to make both our religious communities and our government more accountable to key values of the prophetic religious tradition - that is, make them pro-justice, pro-peace, pro-environment, pro-equality, pro-consistent ethic of life (beyond single issue voting), and pro-family (without making scapegoats of single mothers or gays and lesbians). These are the values of love and justice, reconciliation, and community that Jesus taught and that are at the core of what many of us believe, Christian or not."

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Some good times

Okay, so aside from all the drama, I really have had a good week. Wednesday we went and played pool. That was a good time. Although I had no intentions of it, I got pretty drunk. Then thursday night Jamie and I ended up having a St. Patrick's day party. We played hours of flippy cup. I think I love that game. I managed to get mildly drunk that night too. Then last night I went over to Chrissy's for her birthday. We just hung out, and once again, I got a little drunk. I think I've drank more in this past week than I did the rest of the semester. It's okay though cause it's spring break.
I had been feeling pretty lost in the department. I felt like I didn't fit in anywhere anymore. Dave had left, and I was feeling like he was the only person here who really cared (besides Jamie, of course). This past week though I feel like that has changed. I'm feeling alot closer to people, and I've had a really good time. I'm more optimistic about my last few months here.

You read this?

Okay, so I learned that some people actually read this thing. I always assumed that nobody really cared enough to read this. So that makes me feel awefully exposed. I don't know why. I think I just like to pretend nobody reads this.
I was looking over my recent posts and realized that there's alot of bitching happening. So my goal today is to think of something good that's happened this week and write about it.

Friday, March 18, 2005

More mean people

So I really want to post, but I just don't know what to say. So much has happened recently I don't know where to start, or if it's ready to be posted. I guess I just want to know how someone can hurt someone's feelings and not even care. I'll start with this story I suppose.
We had a prospective student come in town this week to visit the department. We'll call him Charlie. Whenever a prospective comes, the grad students take them out to do various things. We made the mistake of letting Charlie go out with one particular grad student (lets call him Bob). Bob is always making gay jokes and comments. Well, as it turns out, Charlie is gay, and was extremely offended by Bob's actions.
So now, instead of feeling bad for acting this way and hurting Charlie's feelings, several grad student have taken to making fun of the kid instead. They've judged him and laughed that Charlie is Catholic, because in their opinion it's impossible to be any sort of Christian and be gay. They say they're offended that he's offended. I just don't understand. Bob student feels absolutely no remorse and doesn't see any reason why he might need to reevaluate his actions, and a couple other students have taken to defending him. (Interestingly one of those students is the Mean Christian I posted about earlier. (When I posted I made it plural because everyone this guy hangs out with are just as mean). This guy just keeps proving me more and more right about him. He fails to see how making fun of people who are gay is the same thing as making fun of people who are black or whatever.
I can't wait for the day where people can accept people for who they are. I doubt it will come any time soon, but hopefully it will come in my lifetime. Homosexuals are people too. They have feelings just like you and me. I just wish people would take a minute to consider other people before they pass judgement. I'm tired of people using religion as a reason to hate other people. This is what has pushed me so far from religion recently. In my opinion religion should be something that brings people together, not tears them apart. That's why I've become so interested in Unitarianism.
Okay, that's all.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005


I gotta say, this is pretty much the order I would expect. Maybe socialism above anarchism. And definately green over that, but still.

You scored as Democrat. <'Imunimaginative's Deviantart Page'>

















What Political Party Do Your Beliefs Put You In?
created with


Our government makes me sick. I'm tired of them selling out the environment and education. I'm tired of most of the American people not really having any clue of what gets voted on each day. I'm tired of it. I'm frustrated. I would be willing to guess that at least half the people who voted for Bush don't have a clue as to what his real agenda is. Doubtful that they even really took time to look into his policy. They just assumed he was the moral choice, when really that couldn't have been farther from the truth. Looking at his history shows no real morality. Just a trend of selling out the american people to further corporate interests. ARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Who's side are those republicans on?

So I was doing my skimming through the votes in the Senate, and I came across this one.

An amendment to the budget who's purpose is to:
"To restore funding for education programs that are cut and reduce debt by closing corporate tax loopholes."

This was turned down 44-47 with only 3 republicans (Chafee-RI, Coleman-MN, Devine-OH) voting for it.

Come on. Fund education?!?! CUT corporate tax loopholes. Man, these people really aren't for the corporations, they are DEFINATELY for the people. (once again...sarcastic tone)

Oh, and then there's this vote:

Another amendment to the budget to:
"To protect the American people from terrorist attacks by providing the necessary resources to our firefighters, police, EMS workers and other first-responders by restoring $1,626 billion in cuts to first-responder programs."

This one was turned down 46-54 with only 1 republican (Chafee-RI) voting for it.

Man, the party that lays claim to fixing terrorism sure is doing a great job here at home.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Great Depression

Is Bush's agenda of supporting Big Buisiness and pushing the burden onto the American people similar to what happend in the 1920's? Have we been down this road before?

Arctic Wildlife Refuge

Here's a story about some of the possible damages that can be caused my drilling (or "exploring") for oil in the Arctic wildlife refuge.

Most of this stuff I have studied in various classes. It's not made up, and it's not an exaggeration.

I am definately for reducing our dependance on foreign oil, but I think we should do it by developing new technologies, reducing our dependence on oil period. Not by ruining a pristine natural habitat.

Monday, March 14, 2005

Mean Christians

Okay, so this is my last post of the day, I swear. I just have to get this off my chest.
We have a couple people in my department who are constantly boasting about what great Christians they are, and how Jesus is their savior and how God works through them to make them great people. Okay, that's cool. But here's what gets me. They are mean. They are quite possibly some of the meanest people I know. They are always intentionally excluding specific people from things that happen (like they'll invite everyone but 1 or 2 people), they are judgemental, and they are two-faced. If you don't like me, fine. But don't sit around and chat with me and then intentionally exclude me and anyone else from something that is intended to be for everyone.
If it was because they had a problem with my beliefs, that would even be one thing, but they always hang out with other people who think and act the same way I do. I don't know, I think if God really was working through them they would be much more kind to people than they are. Let me tell you, they really lead by example. (sarcastic tone in my voice).
Now, I try not to be upset when I'm not included because I think they're mean and I don't like to surround myself with people like that, but when you IM me and ask me for someones phone number to invite them and don't have the decency to ask me, especially when it's something the whole department is supposed to be involved in, well then screw you, you're just proving me right about you. I'm tired of people who think that they are such great Christians just because they don't drink or have sex. Jesus' teachings were about kindness, doesn't that count for anything anymore? Thanks and gig 'em.

Texas History?

Okay, so I'm on this listserv, and everyone is complaining about how we teach Texas history here. I don't get it. When I was in school we were required to take 3 history courses. World, US, and Texas. Sure teaching a whole course on state history might be alot in some states, but Texas went through alot to become Texas the state. It's not like we're ONLY teaching Texas history. We just teach it too. What's the big deal? My mom grew up in Virginia and she had to take Virginia history, nobody's bitching about that? I think it's just because of the stigma attatched with Texas.

Liberal Media?

Okay, so if the media is controlled by the left, why isn't this getting any coverage? Remember the stories about the missing weapons in Iraq? Well, it was blown off by the whitehouse. Here's the story.

"In the weeks after Baghdad fell in April 2003, looters systematically dismantled and removed tons of machinery from Saddam Hussein's most important weapons installations, including some with high-precision equipment capable of making parts for nuclear arms, a senior Iraqi official said this week in the government's first extensive comments on the looting.

... Dr. Araji said his account was based largely on observations by government employees and officials who either worked at the sites or lived near them.

"They came in with the cranes and the lorries, and they depleted the whole sites," Dr. Araji said. "They knew what they were doing; they knew what they want. This was sophisticated looting."

The threat posed by these types of facilities was cited by the Bush administration as a reason for invading Iraq, but the installations were left largely unguarded by allied forces in the chaotic months after the invasion. "

I don't understand why Americans are standing for this. We have a voice, why aren't we using it? Oh wait, I know. It's because most Americans refuse to hear the truth about their "fearless leader." They would rather believe that he is this great man and a great leader, and that anything bad about him is sure to be a lie; even if it means they live in a delusion.

It's a beautiful day.

Gosh, this weekend was gorgeous. All I wanted to do was lay outside by the pool and read. Of course, I didn't do this. I mostly laid on my couch with our porch door open and watched television. Although, I did clean the apartment. This was a big achievement for me because it's been forever since I've cleaned. I'm sure Jamie is tired of my dirtiness. I said I was going to work on my thesis, but that never happened. (My laptop never even made it out of my bag.)
Danny came in town on saturday night. I cooked him a good dinner. We went to Alfred Hornbeck's to play some pool. That was fun. We decided we need a pool table in our house, we can just pretend like it's part of the cost of the house. :) Then, sunday morning, I cooked him breakfast and we made sandwiches for lunch (with Dill potato chips of course... Yummm!!!). We should have had a picnic. That would have been smart. With all this cooking I'm afraid I may be spoiling him. Oh well, I'll just have to teach him how to cook good so he can cook for me. That would be alot easier if I wasn't such a control freak, though.
So here I am today, sitting in my office. I have yet to work on my thesis because I had to proofread a proposal for my professor. He's hoping to study ice clouds in the Martian atmosphere. This came about because one of our professors worked on the Mars rover project the past few years. Interesting stuff.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Do What?

So I've realized that when I don't hear what someone says, instead of saying "I'm sorry" or "What" or even "Huh" I say "Do What". Now this has become increasingly annoying to me. I am trying to break the habit, but the more I try to break it, the more I realize I do it, and the more annoyed with myself I become.
I need suggestions of what to replace the "Do what" in my vocabulary with.

Prevention First

Anyone who is against legalized abortion needs to step up and look at this bill. Anti-abortionists need to realize that simply making it illegal is not going to solve the problem. We need to educate our women and make sure they have access to affordable healthcare to educate them and help them to prevent unwanted pregnancies in the first place.
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid has introduced an act called Prevention First.
"Senator Reid’s Prevention First Act is a comprehensive family planning package that would expand access to and education about birth control, require equitable insurance coverage for birth control, and ensure that rape survivors receive factually accurate information about how to protect against pregnancy. It also provides funding for grants to establish teen pregnancy prevention programs and ensures that federally funded sex education contains medically accurate information about birth control."
President Bush has consistently taken a roll against education, and against health insurance coverage for contraceptives (although he made sure viagra is covered under most health insurance plans). As expected, this act is recieving alot of oposition from Republicans. I don't understand the republican party's stance against education. To me, only good can come from it. I think this is a good start, and hopefully it will get some publicity.

Lots of stuff...

Gosh, I feel like I haven't posted in a while, so I'm trying to think of something interesting that's happened.
My professor wants me to teach his radiation class while he's out of town the week after next. Ummm, did he forget that I got a B in that class? I'm sure there are many other people in our group more qualified to teach that class than I. Not only that, but for the first time, I'll be teaching to my peers. Scary! I guess it'll be good practice for my seminar, and I should get used to it if I'm really getting my PhD.
There was a geosciences career fair on tuesday, but I was still in Austin, so I missed it. Sad. I would have liked to go to see what job oppertunities are out there for me. Especially because I'm not sure I'll ever want to do my own research where I'm responsible for getting grants and stuff. Maybe I'll just get my PhD and then be a post-doc somewhere for forever.
We went out to northgate last night. That's always good times. I got a little tipsy, not drunk, though.
Today is a BEAUTIFUL day. Maybe sometime later I'll have to go outside and work. My main problem is that my laptop battery has gone to shit, so I can't take it outside. So I have to take stuff to do on paper. But of course, paper blows in the wind.
Danny and I are still looking at houses. We've found some great houses down south. They're new and big. So that's looking promising. It just stinks because it would be harder to get to campus, but I think it might be worth it.
Okay, that's my life in a nutshell. Fun times.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

The onion is funny

Gmail user pitties hotmail user

OLYMPIA, WA—Recent Gmail convert William Ramsak, 23, said Monday that his "heart goes out to" friend Kelly Oldenburg, who still sends e-mail through an MSN Hotmail account. "I feel so bad for you, needing to squeeze into 250 MB of storage space," Ramsak wrote to Oldenburg in an e-mail. "And I hate thinking of you sorting all your old e-mail, while Gmail automatically indexes mine so they are searchable." Ramsak then asked Oldenburg when he was going to "stop being a Microstooge and join Team G."

The Onion

Monday, March 07, 2005

You have a boat! In a dam!

Okay, so I have a scary, sad, then wierd, then okay story. Tonight
Danny and I went to dinner at the Hula Hut with the UT geography
department. The Hula Hut has this pier that we were on that overlooks
the dam of Lake Austin.
Well, we look over and see that there is a ski boat caught in the dam. The rear of the boat is caught on the dam, and the front of the boat is up out of the water. We see someone calling 911 and hear rumors that there is 1 person on the boat, 1 in the
water (keep in mind the dam is open, and the way this dam works is
that there are gates that lift up, and the water at the bottom of the
lake goes over the spillway 45 feet below on the other side). So
anyway, after a few minutes, we see the police come in on a boat, and
there are people walking on the dam. Finally, they lower a rope
with a loop on it over the side of the dam. 1 person ties it around
theirself, and there is a struggle to get them out of the boat.
Finally, they get lifted up, and as they do so the boat goes under
alot. The police boat swoops in and grabs the person on the rope on their boat. At this time you can see the boat getting dragged farther and farther under as
they are closing the gate. When the gate is finally closed you can
only see about 5-10 feet of the front of the boat. So there are still
rumors that there were 2 people on the boat, but we know only 1 person
got rescued.
Anyway, lots of time passes and finally the police boat comes back.
You can see they struggle for a while and then they leave. Finally
they lift the dam gate up, and the boat gets sucked under and over the
other side.
The good news is that miraculasly the man was sucked under the flood gate and went
over the 45 foot drop and he still walked away (this has been verified by the
police). The chances of this were extremely slim.
Well, it turns out the motor of the boat stalled and that's when they drifted into the dam. Wow. What a night.

Friday, March 04, 2005

I've been forgotten...again.

Every friday we usually go out to lunch. It used to be we'd all gather in the hallway and round up people. Well, recently if I don't hear them out there and go running, they don't get me. Now, it's not like I don't go on fridays. I always go on fridays. So it really stinks. Especially because I intentionally don't bring a lunch on fridays, so now I'm hungry and I have to find food on my own. This happens other days of the week too. But I've just started bringing my lunch, so it's okay. I guess I'll just have to start bringing my lunch on fridays too. *sigh*
Something about not having classes with people makes them forget you exist. :(

Cats are funny.

So last night, Callie timidly walked into Jamie's room. Jamie has a full-length mirror right by her door. So as Callie is walking into her room, she looks over and sees herself in the mirror. Only she thinks it's another cat. So she starts hissing at it. I try to show her that it's her self, but unfortunatley cats don't really speak english, nor do they have a concept of what they look like. So she charges full-force, head-first into the mirror to attack this "other" cat. I felt a little sad for her, but it was really funny.

Is it monday? No! It's friday!

It really feels like a monday to me. I'll tell you why. Wednesday, I came in to work at about 8 am to get some work done because I had to leave at 1 to go to Houston to pick my sister up at the airport. So I get here, I work for about an hour, and then the power on campus goes off. I go up to the office and they say that they don't know why it's off or for how long. So I go back downstairs and start to read some papers. Then around 10, the power comes back on. Yippie! So I start getting back to work, and by 10:30 it's off again. About this time, other people start showing up at work, and they all come to my office because it has the most windows, therefore the most light. So instead of doing anything we sit around and bullshit. Then around noon I leave to go get Vivan. We spend 30 minutes finding a DSW in Houston, then we drive to the woodlands mall, and then we have dinner at Benihanna. (yummy!) So we finally get back to CS around 9, and I go workout and we call it a night.
Yesterday, my mom came down to pick Vivian up and take her to Dallas. Little did I know that she was bringing my other sister's cat with her for me (that's a whole other story). So during the morning Vivian and I do some shopping, then we go to the wedding store with my mom, then we all go to lunch. My family finally hits the road around 4 and by that time I'm exhausted and not in the mood to work. So I haven't really worked since tuesday!

Today I'm going to austin to first visit my girlfriends, and then visit UT. I'll be there till tuesday. Pretty long trip. I'm taking my whole closet because I couldn't decide what I wanted to wear. So that should be fun. :)

Onto why I have my sister's cat. Her cat, Callie, has some sort of skin disease that makes her ears scab up and her paws are swollen and she can't retract her claws. Her vet has an idea of what it is, but says she needs to spend thousands of dollars to go get tests done to figure out for sure. Now, my sister just can't afford that. So, she sent her down to me. I go to A&M, home of a great vet school! So, I'm going to take Callie to the vet school for tests which are cheaper than elsewhere and I get a 20% discount for being a student. So hopefully A&M will figure out what's wrong with her and make her feel better.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

UT pom vs. Aggie dance team, and working out

I found out that I am going to UT. Something I've always wanted to do is be on the Texas Pom Squad, so I think I'm going to try out.
Why didn't you just do Aggie Dance Team you ask?
Well, there are many reasons.
1) Because I was around when the Aggie Dance Team was first formed, and I made lots of fun of them every year at nationals because they sucked! (I was about 10)
2) Because they don't get to do football games which was something I wanted to do.
3) Because I don't really care for the director. She's not a very nice person.
4) I really wanted a break from hard-core dancing after high school.

Anyway, so here I am. 6 years later, going to UT, and I've decided to try out for the pom squad. I've decided if I'm going to try out, I'm going to take it seriously, and this means losing some weight. So I've been working out with a personal trainer once a week for about a month now. Last week, though, I've started walking/jogging 2.25 miles a day, and I've done it every day for a week. Awesome! I'm eating alot better too. So hopefully this will be enough and I can get the "appropriate physique" before tryouts in a month and a half. This week I'm not going to get to work out that much, though, and then we're having a girls weekend. It's going to be very hard to refrain from pigging out, but I just can't do it! I only have a month and a half, and I really need to lose about 10-15 lbs. That's 2 lbs a week. Here goes.