Friday, April 29, 2005


Our loan officer for our house is a complete and total prick. Does anybody know anyplace where I can go to review him?
He dropped the ball and didn't get our loan through by closing so he is costing us $622, and he refuses to accept any responsibility for the problem. He is an ass.


That's his name. He works at Southwest funding in Dallas. If you are ever doing a loan DO NOT go to Southwest funding or especially Randy Jenkins.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Nuclear Option

Okay, so I just have to say, that I'm not completely against the Nuclear Option happening. Why? Well, sure, in the short term our lives would be hell, but just remember the Republicans won't be the majority forever, and when they aren't they'll be hating themselves for getting rid of it.

The Republican's keep saying that they've never used the fillibuster against judicial nominations. Let's look at some history shall we:

"In fact, while Democratic senators used the filibuster to block 10 of Bush's 229 first-term judicial nominees, the Republican-controlled Senate prevented approximately 60 Clinton nominees from even receiving a hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, much less a vote on the Senate floor. And while Senate Republicans under Clinton strictly enforced a "blue slip" rule -- which allows one home-state senator to prevent a nomination from moving forward -- they greatly relaxed this rule under Bush to circumvent Democrats' objections to several nominees."

Let's also note the fact that confirmation of Bush nominees exceeds in most cases the first-term experience of presidents dating to Ronald Reagan

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has said that Republican senators' "partisanship over judicial nominations" during the Clinton era was "improper" and "wrong."

Republicans are hypocrites and liars. It will come back to bite them in the ass, and I'll just be sitting here waiting until it does. Can someone pass the popcorn?

Dangerous road

This is slightly old news, but the fiance gave me another perspective on it yesterday.

It seems that Bush has eliminated several US delegates from the Inter-American Telephone Commission because they supported the Kerry campaign. "A Bush spokesman admits it's true: 'We wanted people who would represent the Administration positively, and--call us nutty--it seemed like those who wanted to kick this Administration out of town last November would have some difficulty doing that,' says White House spokesman Trent Duffy. Employees of Qualcomm and Nokia are among those who have been removed from the commission." Not only is this unprecedented, but it is also an extremely dangerous idea.

Imagine this, you have a corporation who, naturally, wants their people to be able to go to international meetings such as this, but they know that whatever adminstration is in the white house will exclude them from going if they find out that they supported someone other than them.
Now, you have person A and person B. Both are extremely qualified for the job, and they are equal in all areas, but person A donated to the current administration's campaign, and person B donated to the challenger. Who do you think is going to get the job? Why person A, of course, because they'll actually have a chance to go to the international meeting.

This is a dangerous road the Bush adminstration is travelling down, but I'm not surprised, because loyalty and secrecy have been the definition of their administration. I can't believe that more people aren't distrubed by the loyalty and secrecy of this administration. Part of having a government safe from corruption is the people's ability to question it, but the Bush administration has done everything in their power to make it more difficult to check on what our government is up to, as well as threatening anyone who speaks out against the administration. (can we say dictator?) Frankly, this administration scares the living daylight out of me.

Think Bush is winning the War on Terrorism?

Bush has killed the State Department's annual terrorism report due out to Congress this week. Wonder why? Well as it turns out, there were a record 175 terrorism incidents in 2003. In 2004 this number sky-rocketed to 655. Bush is doing what he does best; trying to keep the information away from the public.

"The number of serious international terrorist incidents more than tripled last year, according to U.S. government figures, a sharp upswing in deadly attacks that the State Department has decided not to make public in its annual report on terrorism due to Congress this week.

Overall, the number of what the U.S. government considers "significant" attacks grew to about 655 last year, up from the record of around 175 in 2003, according to congressional aides who were briefed on statistics covering incidents including the bloody school seizure in Russia and violence related to the disputed Indian territory of Kashmir."

Don't worry, terrorist incidents in Iraq increased as well, from 22 to 198.

"Last year was bad. This year is worse. They are deliberately trying to withhold data because it shows that as far as the war on terrorism internationally, we're losing," said Larry C. Johnson, a former senior State Department counterterrorism official, who first revealed the decision not to publish the data.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

spending money

Yay! Today I finally ordered a bunch of internet stuff that I've been meaning to buy. I got another Flogging Molly CD, I got a Flogging Molly t-shirt. I also finally got some anti-bush bumper stickers! I can't wait to get them. I got some extras to give to friends. I truly think Bush is evil, and he is the worst president I think we will ever have in my life. The good news is that no matter what happens in 2008, it's bound to be better than 2004. Lets just hope Bush doesn't do too much more evil stuff before then.

Again, I can't believe anyone could possibly think it's moral to vote for Bush. I question that person's knowledge of Bush. What I've found is that anyone I talk to about Bush, I know more than they do. I've read lots of books, and people are generally surprised by what I have to say. I wish people would read more important things, and less unimportant things. I think people would have a lot harder time living with their choices if they really knew what they were voting for. But then again, maybe they wouldn't. In my experience,the more people learn about anything, especially Bush, the more they see that he just isn't good for the country in any way. They also realize that the Republican party isn't the party of morals, and that you can get your morality other places. I consider myself an extremely moral person, and it is because of this that I can't vote for Bush. There are many Republican candidates that I could get behind, but Bush will never be one of them.
Also I've never heard a real reason for supporting Bush. It's always one of the Republican's catch phrases(morals, the war, etc), or else it's "I just couldn't support the other candidate". I've never heard someone say "I personally believe in this, this and this, and Bush is going to make that happen."

UT, please get that stick out of your butt...

Okay, so UT has some ridiculous rules regarding your EID password. Now, because of these rules, I have forgotten my password about 3 times and had to change it every time. They say these rules are to protect my identity, but what they're really doing is instead of letting me pick a password I can remember, they want me to pick one I can't remember, write it down so I can, and leave that piece of paper somewhere to make it easier for someone to steal my identity. *sigh*

There are several requirements you must follow when setting up your UT EID Password:

* Your password must be between 8 and 20 characters in length.
* You may not re-use any of your last 10 passwords.
* Your password cannot contain blanks.
* Your password must contain letters, numbers, and special characters. The special characters that are permitted are ! @ # $ % & * ( ) - + = , < > : ; " ' ..
* Your password cannot contain any words found in our dictionary or common proper nouns of four letters or longer. In addition, common letter transpositions are not allowed (for example @ for a, ! for i, or zero for O).
* Your password cannot contain your UT EID.
* Your password cannot contain your first or last name.
* Your password cannot contain your birthday in any form.
* Your password cannot contain your Social Security Number.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

I'm sorry...

Okay, so I feel bad, I'm a little overzealous. I've recently renewed a friendship that had sorta been lost. Part of what sparked the renewal is my learning that she had expanded her political views. Well, anyway, I'm just so excited to have a friend that is interested in politics as well, especially someone that I've been friends with for so long. I'm excited because I feel like we'll be able to have a good conversations. So I think I keep talking (emailing) her ear off about politics and it's probably annoying. I need to remember to breathe.

I can't wait to get to Austin. I really wanted to get involved in the state democratic party, but I figured I probably wouldn't because I'm not very good at getting involved in stuff by myself, but now I have a friend!!! yay!!! And now, due to her husband's change in occupation, she's allowed to be involved. :) Okay, yes, I'm crazy.
Oh the other GREAT thing about Austin is we can get Green Energy!!! Yay for doing something to help the environment. I can't wait to live in a city that cares about the enviroment.

As excited as I am to move to Austin, I will be sad to leave the Texas 17th which is Chet Edward's district. Although he's a pretty conservative democrat, I think he's honest, and genuinely wants to do what's best for our district which includes Texas A&M. That's what I want most out of a congressman. Thanks, Chet, for being such a great congressman!

Friday, April 22, 2005


Good quotes from Barry Goldwater. A true conservative.

"When you say 'radical right' today, I think of these moneymaking ventures by fellows like Pat Robertson and others who are trying to take the Republican Party away from the Republican Party, and make a religious organization out of it. If that ever happens, kiss politics goodbye."
~ The Washington Post (July 28, 1994)

"Religious factions will go on imposing their will on others unless the decent people connected to them recognize that religion has no place in public policy. They must learn to make their views known without trying to make their views the only alternatives."

"However, on religious issues there can be little or no compromise. There is no position on which people are so immovable as their religious beliefs. There is no more powerful ally one can claim in a debate than Jesus Christ, or God, or Allah, or whatever one calls this supreme being. But like any powerful weapon, the use of God's name on one's behalf should be used sparingly. The religious factions that are growing throughout our land are not using their religious clout with wisdom. They are trying to force government leaders into following their position 100 percent. If you disagree with these religious groups on a particular moral issue, they complain, they threaten you with a loss of money or votes or both. I'm frankly sick and tired of the political preachers across this country telling me as a citizen that if I want to be a moral person, I must believe in 'A,' 'B,' 'C,' and 'D.' Just who do they think they are? And from where do they presume to claim the right to dictate their moral beliefs to me? And I am even more angry as a legislator who must endure the threats of every religious group who thinks it has some God-granted right to control my vote on every roll call in the Senate. I am warning them today: I will fight them every step of the way if they try to dictate their moral convictions to all Americans in the name of 'conservatism.'"
~ The Congressional Record (1981)

For my Catholic Peeps...

A strong Republican ally, Focus on the Family has been saying democrats are attacking religion. Focus on the Family isn't exempt from attacking religion themselves.

A board member of Focus on the Family, R. Albert Mohler Jr., said Thursday he stands by the comments he made in March 2000 on the cable news show Larry King Live.

"I believe that the Roman church is a false church and it teaches a false gospel," Mohler said at the time. "And indeed, I believe that the pope himself holds a false and unbiblical office."

Senator Ken Salazar (D-CO) has called on James Dobson to repudiate Mohler. That has yet to happen, and I doubt it will ever happen.

Bush's "Environmental" Policy

Okay, so this is too important. I think too many people listen to what spin is coming out of the white house and accept it as the truth, and don't know/care what's really going on within the Bush administration. So here's some of the environmental policy that him and his corporate cronies have ruined.

1. The EPA weakened mecury reduction requirements for power plants.

2. Passed an air pollution plan that allows various industries to opt out of a Clean Air Act provision that requires reductions in toxic emissions by 2007. This plan would also delay until after 2018 power plant sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emission cuts that were supposed to occur by 2010 under the Clear Air Act. It rolls back a requirement to reduce mercury emissions by 90% by 2008. (Mercury has been linked to birth defects)

3. Bonds that have been posted by oil and gas industries to drill on federal lands have fallen drastically short of the projected cleanup cost, leaving taxpayers with upwards of $1 billion in cleanup costs after the development ends.

4. Rewrote the forest rules to allow for more logging saying that it will decrease forest fires. Forest fires are actual extremely natural and healthy for forests. The rewrite also eliminates the environmental review process for forest management plans which provides the public with information about forest planning and a chance to participate in management decisions about public lands.

5. The EPA signed off on legeslation that allows U.S. Farmers who grow tomatoes and strawberries to continue using methyl-bromide, an ozone-depleting, cancer-causing pesticide that, according to U.S. and international treaties, had been scheduled to be phased out worldwide in 2005.

6. Superfund: The Bush administration is against "polluter (aka industry) pays" policies, instead adopting policies of the government (aka taxpayers) pay for cleanup of toxic waste sites. They favor a policy where they use current funds to cleanup projects that are currently underway, and don't list new hazardous waste sites for cleanup.

7. Let us not for get about the Drilling in the Arctic Wildlife Refuge policy.

There are so many more, I just don't have time to go on. The National Resources Defense Council has a complete list of all the environmental policies of the Bush administration.

AccuWeather vs. the NWS

Okay, so I really want to post about Earth Day and all the crap that Bush has done to the environment while telling the public how environmentally friendly he is, but I'm not sure I have the time or the energy to dive into that right now. So I'm going to write about something I'll call AccuWeather vs. the NWS.

Let me preface this with saying that AccuWeather is a private company who probably supplies the forecast to your newspaper or radio. They have a reputation of not having the most accurate of forecasts. Giving them some credit, it's hard to have accurate local forecasts when you're forecasting nationally.

Anyway, there has been a bill introduced in the Senate by Santorum (R-Pa) that would make it illegal for the National Weather Service to put free forecasts online. I just have to say that this is ridiculous. The bill technically prohibits federal meteorologist from competing with private meteorologists. So basically what it is doing is prohibitng the NWS from doing it's job. They do forecasts, they do severe weather, the do hurricanes. They'll do the forecasts reguardless of being allowed to release it to the public or not, so why shouldn't they be allowed to release it to the public?

I gotta say that I prefer the weather service information over anything AccuWeather or the Weather Channel have to offer, and there's good reason for that. (Oh yeah, and did I forget to mention that these private companies get their data from the NWS?)

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Callie update

Yay! Callie has been found. She came into the garage last night to eat the tunafish that my sister had left out for her. Of course, she brought a friend with her...
Get that kitty a microchip!!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2005


My sister's kitty, Callie, that I had taken care of has run away. :( She was having a difficult time adjusting to life back at their house, and she got out last night. I am very very very sad. She was a great kitty. Hopefully she will be found.

This is a picture of her as a kitten:


Monday, April 18, 2005

Another Picture of Lily

Okay, so I had to leave Lily at a friends house this weekend while I went to Austin. When I got back and picked her up, HOLY RUSTED METAL BATMAN, she had grown overnight!!! I weighed her, and she weighed 7.4 pounds. Last vet visit on 4/7 she weighed 4.6. She gained almost 3 pounds in just under 2 weeks. It's crazy. So anywho, here's the most recent picture of her, she's barking at me. :)


try-outs galore

Okay, well I tried out for the UT pom squad this weekend and, big surprise, I didn't make it. Going in I figured my age would either be a positive or a negative, not neutral. Well, I think it was a negative. It's not a big deal, I didn't really have time to do it anyway, it's just something I've always wanted to do and I thought it would be fun. If on friday I had been a senior in high school, I think I could've made it. Makes me wish I hadn't hated the Aggie Dance Team director so much, and I could have done that. Oh well. Now I'm just gonna try out for the Austin Wranglers Cheerleaders. I've got alot of working out to do before then becuase a better body will give me a better chance. I might try out for the UT dance team too, but just for practice.

So other than that Danny and I spent the rest of the weekend eating. I hadn't let myself eat yummy things in a while, so I engorged myself. Now it's back to trying to eat fairly healthy and running every night. Speaking of which, did you know you're supposed to run on the balls of your feet? All this time I've been running heel-toe. Turns out that's bad bad bad. Makes my shins hurt. So not only do I have to work on running farther, but I have to learn to run on the balls of my feet. That wouldn't be as hard if I didn't run so slow. I also realized that Danny can walk as fast as I run, so he's probably going to beat me in the 5K we're gonna do. *sigh*

Friday, April 15, 2005

One more reason

I just remembered one more reason why I'm a liberal.

Civil liberties. I understand that religious marriage and government marriage aren't required to be one in the same. Religions are allowed to discriminate all they want. The governement isn't. I don't think it's fair that two people that love eachother and want to share their lives with eachother can't do that.
I think it's a ridiculous claim that this would harm the sanctity of marriage in the US. Come on, divorce has already done that. And let me note that Massachusettes has the lowest divorce rate in the country. Also, I'm tired of people waving their bibles around using that as an excuse. The only difference I can see between this "sin" and any other sin is that it's a lifestyle. BUT, getting divorced and remarried is also a lifestyle, and according to the Bible, that makes you an adulterer. So what's the difference? People have been getting divorced and remarried for centuries, and people are afraid of two people of the same sex being in love. Just yesterday I had to sit at lunch and listen to people talk about how they wouldn't want to hang out with a gay guy.
So yeah, people used the Bible to support segregation, that didn't hold, and I don't think this gay marriage thing holds either.

The most important thing in a marriage to me is love. I think that should be all that matters.
And remember, even if the government makes it legal, your church still doesn't have to recognize it. That's why we have a seperation of church and state in this country. To protect the church. Keep it that way.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

My linguistic profile

Trying to distract myself from the disaster that is my thesis... :(

Your Linguistic Profile:

75% General American English

15% Dixie

10% Yankee

0% Midwestern

0% Upper Midwestern


My thesis proposal is submitted. So as long as it's accepted, step 2 of graduating is done. Now I just have to get my darn thesis done and defend it. :-/


I don't think I''m going to graduate. My stuff isn't really working, and I'm out of ideas for what I should do. My prof isn't any help, and the only person who could probably help me is in China. I'm starting to get extremely frustrated and I don't know what I'm going to do. This sucks.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

New layout

Yay! I finally got away from one of those standard blogspot layouts! I got this one from here. There's a few things I'd like to change, but I should be working on my thesis, not doing that. So....

Why I'm a liberal.

Let me start by saying I grew up republican. When I came to college I started to think about why I was republican, and started thinking for myself. It was then that I realized that I agreed with basically nothing the republican party had to offer. My big switching point was Bush. I think he's evil.
It's funny, so many people today vote republican because they think it's the moral choice. To me, the only moral choice is democrat, and that's why I vote it. I don't think Bush is moral at all. He sells out his beliefs to corporations and doesn't care about people. Anyway, this post isn't about Bush, it's about me. So here we go.

1. Because I am pro-life and pro-choice. Hear me out. I think that making abortion illegal is sorta like masterbation. It feels great right now, but it's no long-term solution. I think instead of making it illegal where women will still get it done, but will be forced to search for unsafe methods, we should be working to make it an extreme option. We can do this through education and healthcare. The most common reasons women cite they are having an abortion is because they can't afford a child and they don't have healthcare. Those two go hand in hand. I think healthcare should be available to everyone. We also need to be doing all we can to prevent unwanted pregnancies in the first place. That involves educating our youth. Not only about abstenance, because we know teenagers, they don't listen. They need to be educated on how to stay safe.
Also, I can think of a few situations for me where abortion would probably be a very likely choice. If I were raped, I have to say, abortion would definately be an option for me. Also, if I were to certainly die if I were to carry a child to term, I can't say I wouldn't consider it. I just want the choice to be up to me. I'm the one that would have to live with it after all.

2. Because I'm pro-environment. I know that corporations are going to do what they can for that bottom line. They aren't going to just voluntarily reduce emissions at the expense of their profits. There needs to be mandatory limits on what corporations can and can't do. I want my kids to be able to play outside without getting asthma. I want to be able to enjoy national parks. I want to be able to drink clean, safe water, free of mercury and other dangerous chemicals.

3. Because I am pro-life. I don't think we should go rushing to war. I do think that war is sometimes a necessary evil, but I think that it should be avoided at all costs. We definately shouldn't be lying to get into a questionable war.

4. Because I think that the government has some responsibility to take care of citizens that are unable to take care of themselves. I think that it is important that we help out those less fortunate than me. I don't want any children growing up feeling like they don't have a chance in this world. I think they should all be allowed a leg-up. I also think that we should assist people in getting back on their feet when they've hit a hard time in their life. I'm okay with welfare. I do think it could use some adjustments. I think that some sort of classes (maybe trade classes, or helping get interviews and get jobs) should be required to recieve welfare, but I'm still okay with it.

5. Because I believe in public education. I am a product of the public education system. I was lucky, I went to good public schools, and I had student loans to get me through college. Without the government I would probably be working at McDonalds. My sister argues that she doesn't use her education, but to me that's like a 15 year-old arguing that they're never going to use algebra. She can read, she can write, she can carry on an itellegent conversation. If not for public education, that wouldn't have happened. I think that more money needs to be put into our education system and we need to get rid of these national testing standards.

6. Lastly, because of all of those reasons, I'm okay with taxes. I'll still be okay with taxes when Danny and I make over $200,000 a year. Why? Becuase I know that me getting an extra $300 a year doesn't have that big of an impact on my quality of life. I can still afford to live, I can afford to do the things I like to do, but that extra money can help education, the environment, someone in need. Me paying a few extra dollars in taxes isn't going to send me to the poorhouse, but it might keep someone else out of it.

So in a nutshell, that's why I'm a liberal.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Growing Puppy!

Oh my, Lily has gotten quite big since we got her two weeks ago. Check out the picture of her then.

Here's a picture of her now.



I came across this website, and they have people write Haikus to vent their frustration. Fun! How'd they know I like writing Haikus? So here's the two I've written so far. (Maybe I'll make tuesday's Haiku tuesday, and write Haikus every tuesday!)

Life in Texas
When leading Texas,
Life was only afforded
To those who could pay.

A culture of life,
That's what he says we should have.
What about death row?

Monday, April 11, 2005


Oh this is just too good to pass up. Let me just start by saying that I know that just because you are republican doesn't necesarily mean that you are against gay marriage the same way you can be democrat and not be pro-choice. However, I'll start believing the first when other people start believing the second.

Anywho...So it turns out that the man responsible for getting Jesse Helms elected as well as helping out with many notable campaigns of people who are against gay marriage, got married in a man! WOO HOO!!! A prominant republican getting married. To a dude. There's not really much else to say. Here's the story.


In this article on yahoo news about Bolton and the U.N., they have Bolton saying that "the Bush administration is committed to the success of the U.N." Is this a joke? I'm not sure how they can be serious when the Bush administration not only lied to the U.N. (and the US), but basically spit in the face of the U.N. when they went to war with Iraq.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Run Thru the Vines

So yesterday I ran my first ever 5K.
Okay okay, pick yourself up off the ground and get back in the chair. Ready?
I ran my first ever 5K. If you had asked me at any point in my life until yesterday at 10 am, I would have told you that I would die if I ran a 5K. Well, it turns out I didn't die, and I didn't do half bad. I ran it in 36:19 minutes. My pace was 11:32 minutes per mile, which is good because my goal was less than a 12 minute mile.
I don't think any of that is half bad considering Jamie and I decided to do this on thursday evening, and I've never ran 3 miles. I usually run at the rec, but I usually only run between 1 and 2 miles. Now that I know I won't die I'm going to attempt to run between 2 and 3 every time I go.
I'm addicted to 5Ks now. I'm going to run as many as possible. My next one is April 30th when Danny's in town. (If miss erin would like to run one with me I could do one the weekend before) My goal for it is less than an 11 minute mile. I'd really l ike it if I could run it in 33 minutes. We'll see. I really want to beat Danny which shouldn't be difficult since he never runs. :)

Friday, April 08, 2005

Faith and War

I got this from a friend today. I like it. Read it. Think about it.

Faith: Bob Lively
Twain knew that in wartime, many Christians ignore teachings

Saturday, April 2, 2005
From a Judean hill Jesus said, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God." And for the most part, humanity has either ignored this message altogether or embraced those tweaked, twisted and diluted redactions authored by ideologues to make Jesus' words bless whatever political agenda, including pre-emptive wars, that suits them.
Recently I saw a bumper sticker that proclaimed, "War is Peace." I decided even before the traffic light turned that this declaration had to be the worst syllogism ever. War is death, destruction, wanton violence, and the human soul's willingness to abandon what the Bible teaches is right, decent and sacred.
Thirty years ago, I visited Hannibal, Mo., the boyhood home of Mark Twain, where in an out-of-the way bookstore I purchased a paperback copy of a book containing Twain's "The War Prayer," which was dictated in 1904 and published after his death. Outraged by American intervention in the Philippines, Twain begins his story in a church on the Sunday morning following the nation's declaration of war: "Next day the battalions would leave for the front; the church was filled; the volunteers were there, their young faces alight with martial dreams . . ."
During the service, the preacher makes a long prayer asking God to help their sons and brothers and fathers crush the foe and to give glory to flag and country. Then an aged stranger, a messenger from God, enters the pulpit and pushes the preacher aside. He tells the worshippers God has heard their prayer and also their unspoken petitions, which he interprets as follows:
"O Lord God, help us to tear their soldiers to bloody shreds with our shells; help us to cover their smiling fields with pale forms of their patriotic dead; help us to drown the thunder of the guns with the shrieks of their wounded, writhing in pain; help us to lay waste their humble homes with a hurricane of fire; help us to wring the hearts of their unoffending widows with unavailing grief; help us to turn them out roofless with little children to wander unfriended the wastes of their desolated land in rags and hunger and thirst . . . for our sakes who adore Thee, Lord, blast their hopes, blight their lives. . . . We ask it in the spirit of love, of Him Who is the source of all Love."
Of course, we know the response even before we read it. Twain writes: "It was believed afterward that the man was a lunatic, because there was no sense in what he said."
Twain was a genius and a prophet. Near the end of his life, he penned this revision to the "Battle Hymn of the Republic": "Mine eyes have seen the launching of the orgy of the Sword; he is searching out the hoardings where the stranger's wealth is stored; he has loosed his fateful lightning and with woe and death has scored; his lust is marching on."
Who would possibly say "Amen" to this? Today's American religious right, to begin with.
Bob Lively is on a six-month break to write a book. He teaches at St. Matthew's Episcopal Church every Sunday morning.

Puppy Kindergarten and my oath

I signed Lily up for Puppy Kindergarten, an expensive class that will hopefully help me train her. Unfortunately she can't go until she's had her second Parvo shot and she wont' have that for another month. So we start May 10. Hopefully we can make it until then. She's lost her mind. She's obviously feeling better because she's been going freaking nuts and she's biting alot more. Hmmm... She's been growing alot, hopefully she doesnt get too big before we get into our house. She's cute, though. :)

I just realized I still have alot to do for my thesis. I'm starting to get scared. Eeek! Here's to actually working for the next few weeks. I must spend 0 time surfing the internet while at work. Here's my oath.

"I Jacki, promise to only check the dailykos once in the morning and once in the afternoon while at work. I also promise to limit my email checking to once an hour. I will also only look at the google news headlines once in the morning and once in the afternoon. I hereby swear to not compulsively check people's away messages and blogs/journals. I promise to work at least 8 hours every day and to put in at least 1 extra night a week. Lastly, I will only go out to lunch once a week, spending the rest of my lunches working. I do all this with the knowledge and faith that in two months I will be free! (Sort of)."

Thursday, April 07, 2005

This is Lily (the blonde one) with Sorgum who is Chrissy and Jeff's new pomeranian. Cute!  Posted by Hello

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Lily, Austin, Thesis

Well, Lily is officially Danny and my puppy. I took her to the vet today and they said all looks good. She had some fleas and probably has some worms, but other than that she's good. She loved the vet. She didn't even make a noise when they gave her her shot. What a good puppy.
After the vet I took her to petco to pick up some dog food since we're almost out. I think I'm gonna start monitering how much I feed her so I can get an idea of how much she's eating, and try my best to keep the cats away from her food.

We had our inspection on our house yesterday. Overall it looks pretty good. There's a few things that need fixing, but we'll make the sellers pay for that. We're not sure what shape the hot tub is in which makes me kinda sad, but oh well.
So yeah, I can't wait to close, I want our house!

I just found out that my sister and her family are probably moving to Austin sometime this summer. Yay! Jennifer has wanted to move to Austin for an extremely long time, and a job just sorta fell in James' lap. So he starts May 1 and will be crashing at our house until they can figure something else out. He'll be working really close to Danny and my house so that's cool too. I'm excited. Yay to having lots of friends in Austin next year!!!

I have my thesis finished except for the Results and conclusions. Although those are the two most important sections, they are the two that are the easiest to write. So yay! I could use a few more things to be added in the rest of it, but I think it's pretty good so far. I'm gonna try to give it to my prof sometime next week so he can start reading it while I'm working on these last two chapters. I should be set to defend late may. Hopefully I'll have time to get a paper published before I head out.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005


After glancing through my notebook where I keep notes of things I do for my thesis/research, I realized something. I am only productive on Tuesdays. What is it about tuesday? Is it that it's not monday? Is it that I still feel like there's enough of the week left for it to be productive, but by the time wednesday comes around I've lost all motivation? I don't know. But whatever it is. Tuesday's the day.

Today has already been an extremely productive day. By the end of this week I hope to have all chapters of my thesis done except for the results and conclusions section. Those I will work on for the next three weeks, then I hope to have the whole thing written. Then I will take a couple weeks to focus on my defense, then a couple more to finish my thesis, then I will be done! Yay...Okay, since tuesday is my only productive day, I should get back to it.

This is our house taken stainding in the front door. It shows the living room and dining room. The kitchen is off to the left before the stairs, and all the bedrooms are upstairs. There is a 1/2 bath downstairs to the left.  Posted by Hello

Monday, April 04, 2005

Puppy Update

I thought I'd write an update on the status of Lily. She is doing very well. She went home with me this weekend (see Dallas post), and she did very well. She's been doing very good with the crate. She is quiet most of the time in there. A funny story about her...

I took her out in our backyard to go potty. After she had finished her business, I decided we should go to the other side of the pool to play in the grass there because it was a little tall and I thought she would enjoy it. As we were walking along the sidewalk I noticed the cover was off of the hole used to clean the pool. Thinking that if I leave it off Lily might fall in I bend over to put it back on and as I'm doing this, Lily goes plop into the dirty water. I quickly snatched her up and ran her inside for a warm bath. She was very unhappy, but it was pretty amusing.

Anyway, back to how she's doing. While I was home I locked her in the laundry room (instead of her crate) and put some newspaper down thinking surely she wouldn't figure out that that was what she was supposed to go potty on. But she did! What a smart puppy. And I even forgot to take her out right after breakfast on sunday, and she went on a piece of paper I had laying in the middle of the floor. I guess that means I can't leave papers laying around cause she's learned it's okay. But I guess better paper than the carpet.
I bought her a hot pink leash and collar. She doesn't care for either, but she's learning. Other than that, I'm still waiting for her to go to the vet. I think she might be a little sick. Once that's done, I might go ahead and fill out the adoption papers. Fun fun. :)


Danny and I bought a house on friday. Yay. This house thing went pretty fast. I think we've only been seriously looking about a month or so, and I've only been out with the realtor twice. The realtor had us set up on an automatic search, and I saw this house and said I really liked it. We went and looked at it over easter weekend and decided we really liked it. Danny's parents came and saw it that week, and then we put an offer on it on wednesday. We finally settled on an offer on friday, so now we signed the papers, and on April 28, it's ours. :) We're not living in it until august, though. That's okay, cause I have all summer to paint and do anything I want while it's empty. Danny's going to go ahead and move his stuff in, but most of it will be in the garage. So yeah, I'm excited. It should be a good house. I'll post a picture or two when I get home and can use Picassa to do it.

Sunday, April 03, 2005


Well, I'm back from an extremely busy weekend in Dallas. I took Lily home so she could meet everyone, and of course, everyone loved her. After spending some quality time with her, Danny and I are 90% sure that we want her. We just want to wait until she goes to the vet first to make sure everything's good with her. So yeah, that's that.
We did a bunch of wedding stuff. We ordered our rings, got the tuxes set up, and met with the minister.
I was supposed to go out on saturday for people's birthday, but after all the wedding festivites on saturday, I was exhausted. So I bailed. :( I did go to dinner with a few people on friday, though. So I didn't miss them completely.
So yeah, it was a good weekend all together. I'm back home, with the dog, and without callie. :( I really do love that dog. :)

Friday, April 01, 2005


Is it wrong to derive so much pleasure from someone's potential pain?