Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Nuclear Option

Okay, so I just have to say, that I'm not completely against the Nuclear Option happening. Why? Well, sure, in the short term our lives would be hell, but just remember the Republicans won't be the majority forever, and when they aren't they'll be hating themselves for getting rid of it.

The Republican's keep saying that they've never used the fillibuster against judicial nominations. Let's look at some history shall we:

"In fact, while Democratic senators used the filibuster to block 10 of Bush's 229 first-term judicial nominees, the Republican-controlled Senate prevented approximately 60 Clinton nominees from even receiving a hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, much less a vote on the Senate floor. And while Senate Republicans under Clinton strictly enforced a "blue slip" rule -- which allows one home-state senator to prevent a nomination from moving forward -- they greatly relaxed this rule under Bush to circumvent Democrats' objections to several nominees."

Let's also note the fact that confirmation of Bush nominees exceeds in most cases the first-term experience of presidents dating to Ronald Reagan

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has said that Republican senators' "partisanship over judicial nominations" during the Clinton era was "improper" and "wrong."

Republicans are hypocrites and liars. It will come back to bite them in the ass, and I'll just be sitting here waiting until it does. Can someone pass the popcorn?

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