Sunday, April 03, 2005


Well, I'm back from an extremely busy weekend in Dallas. I took Lily home so she could meet everyone, and of course, everyone loved her. After spending some quality time with her, Danny and I are 90% sure that we want her. We just want to wait until she goes to the vet first to make sure everything's good with her. So yeah, that's that.
We did a bunch of wedding stuff. We ordered our rings, got the tuxes set up, and met with the minister.
I was supposed to go out on saturday for people's birthday, but after all the wedding festivites on saturday, I was exhausted. So I bailed. :( I did go to dinner with a few people on friday, though. So I didn't miss them completely.
So yeah, it was a good weekend all together. I'm back home, with the dog, and without callie. :( I really do love that dog. :)

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