Monday, April 04, 2005

Puppy Update

I thought I'd write an update on the status of Lily. She is doing very well. She went home with me this weekend (see Dallas post), and she did very well. She's been doing very good with the crate. She is quiet most of the time in there. A funny story about her...

I took her out in our backyard to go potty. After she had finished her business, I decided we should go to the other side of the pool to play in the grass there because it was a little tall and I thought she would enjoy it. As we were walking along the sidewalk I noticed the cover was off of the hole used to clean the pool. Thinking that if I leave it off Lily might fall in I bend over to put it back on and as I'm doing this, Lily goes plop into the dirty water. I quickly snatched her up and ran her inside for a warm bath. She was very unhappy, but it was pretty amusing.

Anyway, back to how she's doing. While I was home I locked her in the laundry room (instead of her crate) and put some newspaper down thinking surely she wouldn't figure out that that was what she was supposed to go potty on. But she did! What a smart puppy. And I even forgot to take her out right after breakfast on sunday, and she went on a piece of paper I had laying in the middle of the floor. I guess that means I can't leave papers laying around cause she's learned it's okay. But I guess better paper than the carpet.
I bought her a hot pink leash and collar. She doesn't care for either, but she's learning. Other than that, I'm still waiting for her to go to the vet. I think she might be a little sick. Once that's done, I might go ahead and fill out the adoption papers. Fun fun. :)

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