Friday, April 15, 2005

One more reason

I just remembered one more reason why I'm a liberal.

Civil liberties. I understand that religious marriage and government marriage aren't required to be one in the same. Religions are allowed to discriminate all they want. The governement isn't. I don't think it's fair that two people that love eachother and want to share their lives with eachother can't do that.
I think it's a ridiculous claim that this would harm the sanctity of marriage in the US. Come on, divorce has already done that. And let me note that Massachusettes has the lowest divorce rate in the country. Also, I'm tired of people waving their bibles around using that as an excuse. The only difference I can see between this "sin" and any other sin is that it's a lifestyle. BUT, getting divorced and remarried is also a lifestyle, and according to the Bible, that makes you an adulterer. So what's the difference? People have been getting divorced and remarried for centuries, and people are afraid of two people of the same sex being in love. Just yesterday I had to sit at lunch and listen to people talk about how they wouldn't want to hang out with a gay guy.
So yeah, people used the Bible to support segregation, that didn't hold, and I don't think this gay marriage thing holds either.

The most important thing in a marriage to me is love. I think that should be all that matters.
And remember, even if the government makes it legal, your church still doesn't have to recognize it. That's why we have a seperation of church and state in this country. To protect the church. Keep it that way.

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