Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Why I'm a liberal.

Let me start by saying I grew up republican. When I came to college I started to think about why I was republican, and started thinking for myself. It was then that I realized that I agreed with basically nothing the republican party had to offer. My big switching point was Bush. I think he's evil.
It's funny, so many people today vote republican because they think it's the moral choice. To me, the only moral choice is democrat, and that's why I vote it. I don't think Bush is moral at all. He sells out his beliefs to corporations and doesn't care about people. Anyway, this post isn't about Bush, it's about me. So here we go.

1. Because I am pro-life and pro-choice. Hear me out. I think that making abortion illegal is sorta like masterbation. It feels great right now, but it's no long-term solution. I think instead of making it illegal where women will still get it done, but will be forced to search for unsafe methods, we should be working to make it an extreme option. We can do this through education and healthcare. The most common reasons women cite they are having an abortion is because they can't afford a child and they don't have healthcare. Those two go hand in hand. I think healthcare should be available to everyone. We also need to be doing all we can to prevent unwanted pregnancies in the first place. That involves educating our youth. Not only about abstenance, because we know teenagers, they don't listen. They need to be educated on how to stay safe.
Also, I can think of a few situations for me where abortion would probably be a very likely choice. If I were raped, I have to say, abortion would definately be an option for me. Also, if I were to certainly die if I were to carry a child to term, I can't say I wouldn't consider it. I just want the choice to be up to me. I'm the one that would have to live with it after all.

2. Because I'm pro-environment. I know that corporations are going to do what they can for that bottom line. They aren't going to just voluntarily reduce emissions at the expense of their profits. There needs to be mandatory limits on what corporations can and can't do. I want my kids to be able to play outside without getting asthma. I want to be able to enjoy national parks. I want to be able to drink clean, safe water, free of mercury and other dangerous chemicals.

3. Because I am pro-life. I don't think we should go rushing to war. I do think that war is sometimes a necessary evil, but I think that it should be avoided at all costs. We definately shouldn't be lying to get into a questionable war.

4. Because I think that the government has some responsibility to take care of citizens that are unable to take care of themselves. I think that it is important that we help out those less fortunate than me. I don't want any children growing up feeling like they don't have a chance in this world. I think they should all be allowed a leg-up. I also think that we should assist people in getting back on their feet when they've hit a hard time in their life. I'm okay with welfare. I do think it could use some adjustments. I think that some sort of classes (maybe trade classes, or helping get interviews and get jobs) should be required to recieve welfare, but I'm still okay with it.

5. Because I believe in public education. I am a product of the public education system. I was lucky, I went to good public schools, and I had student loans to get me through college. Without the government I would probably be working at McDonalds. My sister argues that she doesn't use her education, but to me that's like a 15 year-old arguing that they're never going to use algebra. She can read, she can write, she can carry on an itellegent conversation. If not for public education, that wouldn't have happened. I think that more money needs to be put into our education system and we need to get rid of these national testing standards.

6. Lastly, because of all of those reasons, I'm okay with taxes. I'll still be okay with taxes when Danny and I make over $200,000 a year. Why? Becuase I know that me getting an extra $300 a year doesn't have that big of an impact on my quality of life. I can still afford to live, I can afford to do the things I like to do, but that extra money can help education, the environment, someone in need. Me paying a few extra dollars in taxes isn't going to send me to the poorhouse, but it might keep someone else out of it.

So in a nutshell, that's why I'm a liberal.

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