Tuesday, April 26, 2005

spending money

Yay! Today I finally ordered a bunch of internet stuff that I've been meaning to buy. I got another Flogging Molly CD, I got a Flogging Molly t-shirt. I also finally got some anti-bush bumper stickers! I can't wait to get them. I got some extras to give to friends. I truly think Bush is evil, and he is the worst president I think we will ever have in my life. The good news is that no matter what happens in 2008, it's bound to be better than 2004. Lets just hope Bush doesn't do too much more evil stuff before then.

Again, I can't believe anyone could possibly think it's moral to vote for Bush. I question that person's knowledge of Bush. What I've found is that anyone I talk to about Bush, I know more than they do. I've read lots of books, and people are generally surprised by what I have to say. I wish people would read more important things, and less unimportant things. I think people would have a lot harder time living with their choices if they really knew what they were voting for. But then again, maybe they wouldn't. In my experience,the more people learn about anything, especially Bush, the more they see that he just isn't good for the country in any way. They also realize that the Republican party isn't the party of morals, and that you can get your morality other places. I consider myself an extremely moral person, and it is because of this that I can't vote for Bush. There are many Republican candidates that I could get behind, but Bush will never be one of them.
Also I've never heard a real reason for supporting Bush. It's always one of the Republican's catch phrases(morals, the war, etc), or else it's "I just couldn't support the other candidate". I've never heard someone say "I personally believe in this, this and this, and Bush is going to make that happen."

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